
I’m glad that you and all the other fine folks who voted for Trump will have your words preserved forever on the interwebs. You are fools. You were sold a package of false goods. At least I and the rest who have brains didn’t choose someone who is a traitor and a liar. 

What pisses me off even more than the fact that there were that many totally brain-dead motherfuckers who voted for Trump but that they give even more mind baffling, idiotic reasons as to why. Anyone who has at least 2 godamned brain cells rattling around in their heads would have easily seen just how fucking stupid

Oh, I see, so I can assume that you must think its a whole lot smarter to vote instead for a man whom trusts Julian Assange over our own national security agencies, cheated people out of millions of dollars, is all buddy-buddy with Vladmir Putin, who brags about grabbing women by their privates, and chooses a white

 I am only too happy to speak for myself. Curiously, what exactly did voting for Obama twice teach you? So you probably concur with my statments then?

Yes, but Trump will still be the President, which makes his supporters feel that its ok to be stupid and even be proud of their stupidity. That’s kind of a dangerous thing. They will eat out of his hand no matter what he says or does. I can’t wait for their excuses as to why Trump supports Julian Assange over our own

Because there are a great many stupid people in this country. I think many of us were not aware of just how many there were. Now we know. A SHIT-TON...

I saw it back when it was on VHS. Ironically I was in elementary school and sick, thus staying at home when I watched it. So its probably been almost 30 years since I saw it. I’ll need to watch it again as an adult!

I see this every single year. I work out every day at the gym at work and at this time like clockwork a number of new faces will show. They last less than a week and then its back to us gym rats...

That was almost surreal. What is that from? The breakfast club?

Holy crap! LOL!

More importantly, your entitlements should be cut. All of em’.

What you’re stating with weapons could be applied to any other physical object. For example- cars. Like I said I am from the South originally but now live in California.

how electrifying..

Pretty much ALL of the guns you mentioned that are banned are large capacity assault weapons that were neither available back when the founding fathers created the 2nd amendment or really even practical when it comes to self defense anyway. Oh yes... it so sad that in some states you can’t go out and buy an automatic

dude, you guys have been claiming the Democrats were going to take away your guns forever. There has NEVER been an instance when ANY Democratic president has ever called for guns to be outlawed, and you know I’m right on this.

... and the Republican party is heavily bankrolled and propped up bu wealthy billionaire activists and the fake astroturf movements and orgs they use to get their way ( Koch Brothers, Americans for Prosperity, The Tea Party etc etc ).

They’re different because with one you have to shift da’ gears by hand

Maybe if Republicans didn’t continually insist on violating the basic civil rights against the citizens of the United States Democrats wouldn’t have to continually fight for those rights that are already guaranteed in the Constitution. Maybe you should tell your beloved party to act more like the Americans they are

I am originally from the South and the attitude that existed down there was to put business interests first, people second. I left about 20 years ago but before I did I worked at first a big box store and later a few resturaunts. All for the princely sum of what was even then a pathetic $4 an hour. Given that hardly

God I remember the monster truck shows. Always with the same overly sampled voice. They were so predictable that at one time our local radio station had a contest: call in and do your best to imitate one of the ads and win tickets to the monster truck show happening that weekend. It was one of the damned funniest