
I watched the whole thing last night. I am extremely suspicious of what they showed, and in particular at the very end when the “production” model was shown.

Tariffs can be very destructive if used either wrecklessly or in a retaliatory manner ( which seems to be the way Trump is indicating them as being used for ) The reason they are seldom effective is because naturally any country given those tariffs will simply retaliate against us.

The need to show the car FIRST versus going on and on about bullshit. Nobody believes a word this guy says. Show us the goods and if its legit, looks great, seems reasonable.... THEN go on about all of the higher then though crap.

Keep trying to dig yourself out of this argument. You are only having an argument with yourself at this point anyway.

Nope. Only 20% of Americans vote for Trump.

My dad at one point worked at a large resort. For getting the cleaning staff, various chefs and others around they used old Previas. According to the local Toyota mechanics it was the only vehicle they had serviced and had never actually opened the crank case on. The drivetrains in these were nearly indestructible.

Thanks for further proving to all who read this how immature you are. If you can’t play along with the big boys then don’t bother responding...

Every single one of these respondents used incredibly stupid, immature reasons in voting for Trump.

Oh I see, So Mark Fields didn’t actually say what he said?

That’s right, Just glaze over what I just wrote.

No tears here. I’m not about to be fucked over. I make too much money to be screwed by whatever tax plans this guy will conjur up and I’m too old to be made into cannon fodder either. That and I don’t live in Middle America where nothing will change as a result nor will things get better either.

Dude, how hard is this for you to understand? The VERY next thing he said, as I pointed out to you, was that they did not cut a “deal” with Trump. You Trump supporters are amazing!

You are welcome to join the rest of us too when you too realize Trump is more or less going to screw you over.

I’m not the one who has a reading disorder. Not sure what part of Ford’s statement clearly indicating that Trump had no bearing on their decision you fail to grasp.

From Ford CEO...

If even 4 years...

Its not bizzare since the comment you mentioned doesn’t have anything to do with anything other then the Ford CEO making a generic statement with regards to Trump and has no specifics tied to any action per Ford’s part nor the issue raised in the above story. Its an unrelated statement.

No contradiction. That second quote you menioned has nothing to do with really much of anything other then that Mark Fields was making a generalized statement.

I can definitely assure you my Grandmother is not “cool” with Trump. Neither is the majority of the country.