
The “ranger extender” in the i3 is a joke. Its got a teeny little gas tank and a teeny little motorbike engine. Its made to more or less limp you home to charge up. If you want a real range extender option, get a Volt...

BMW is still fairly far behind when it comes to EV’s. The i3 will be very obsolete come the Chevy Bolt which will go significantly further and still cost a whole lot less too.

Easy. Buy a Chevy Bolt. Comes out soon, goes 240+ miles. Plus it doesn’t look obnoxious.

I bet he voted for Trump too. Because his cause is equally stupid.

Its a concept sketch and like literally every other concept sketch of cars these days shows details that are grossly exaggerated or physically impossible ( such as giant wheels that aren’t even round nor would be capable of fitting inside the wheel wells. As such make commentary all day but when the sketch is not real

Your rather bigoted response more or less proved my point. So you voted for Trump? Surprise surprise!

Toyota has been for some reason VERY cautious with their hybrid and EV offerings for years, which is confusing given that the Prius came out back in 1997 in Japan and at that time was a highly advanced product. Its been 20 years and since then the Prius has only received modest gains in efficiency. The Prius plugin

Don’t think I’d want to eat a turkey soaked in jet exhaust fumes...

But you will see the many snickering faces looking out their windows out at you as you do and hence your theory doesn’t work.

You going to buy one?

The thing is stupid looking. Nevermind that I’m sure others will rush to its defense. But sorry, I wouldn’t want to drive something that looks like a minivan conversion gone horribly wrong.

And you are most definitely a goddamned idiot, and nobody needs to tell you that because you probably already knew. So you might want to focus a bit. And Like I said- for those who voted for Trump in flyoverland, guess what- their lives still suck.

Then you didn’t read their responses, which clearly shows that yeah, there is and has been a high level of support for the Republican party since so many in the military come from rural, conservative, flyoverloand where Trump and his line of bullshit ideaology is embraced.

The entire Trump family are comprised of snakeoil salespeople. And they’re running the damned country too. Yay.

Those pics are really stunning. Amazing sky!

Yeah, I know this is a thoughtless comment... But oh well. These are some seriously stupid looking ships. Its that huge sail looking island.

Did I say I was a Glenn Beck fan or did you totally miss my point? And if you think the current President is a racist then you are clearly dillusional and need to turn off those nasty little cult-like AM talk shows you folks rely so heavily on so that you can mindlelessly parrot it back to us... and then wonder why we

This guy is a godamned baby. “ No fair!” Not nice!” wah wah wah!!!! Seriously. He need to grow the fuck up and act like an adult. And as far as the press, do your jobs and report on this moron and all of the insulting, ridiculous and often unconstitutional items that he clearly thinks he can get away with. Hold the

Hoping for the best. To my friends in Japan: Be safe!

OMG! LOL!!!!