
Alternative-Alternative ending.  McQueen dies. His metal parts are recycled and he is “re-born” as a Prius and thus must deal with his new, depressing reality.

Cars Two was the only Pixar film I wound up stopping after the first 10 minutes. God it was depressing given their ability to make some wonderful films.

I laughed because you said ChurchMeeses LOL!

Mine was a 2009 Chevy Aveo on a trip to Colorado. When picked up the car had less than 100 miles on the clock, thus brand spanking new. Anyway the first night my wife and I were there we stayed at a hotel 5 miles from the airport. When we got there the red reflector from inside the door fell off in the parking lot.

Your claim only makes sense if this were the outcome of a typical election. Had this been a Romney win I would have been like “ well, that sort of sucks... he will probably cut taxes for the wealthy and become buddy-buddy with the energy and defense sectors, but I’ll get over it”

She looks like she has been embalmed....

Americans have the right to protest and that is what will continue to happen. Meanwhile that pitiful excuse of a human whom will be the future president chose a racist, bigoted asshole to his cabinet- a man whom even Glen Beck warns against... yes- Glen Beck.

I think we should continue to make lots and lots of noise. It will show them that yeah, maybe they elected the worst human possible to run the country. But we’re still going to be around to piss them off just the same as always.

You eat it. That’s what.

The irony here is that you’d think these people would be tickled to death that their lil’ Dictator wannabe won... right? Nope. They’re just as angry as they ever were and still blaming “the liberals” for everything.

The answer is to treat the Republicans the same as they treated us for 8 years. From day one do nothing but obstruct to their every goal, plan and desire. It worked for them so why wouldn’t it work for us?

Actually I dreaded going. We of course didn’t wear any hearing protection and as a kid it wasn’t great to sit for hours listening to shitloads of cars with no mufflers going round and round. BUT... it was worth it in the end because the last event was always the demolition derby.

They do seem to take a beating. When I was a kid Dad and I would go to the localo dirt track and in one class they had small 4 cylnder cars in a race and probably half were Chevettes. It seemed like they survived crashes much better than the Pintos, Vegas, and other small cars in the race

These days I almost wish I could “Turn of the internet” for the next at least 4 years. This is like one unending nightmare you can’t wakeup from. Jesus. Christ.

Of course they won’t fucking build it. That’s what Cadillac does: They create concepts of designs that they should of course build, or be building and then they never do it. Any Caddillac execs here? Build this thing... please?

I guess most people don’t realize that pretty much any ole’ car or truck, even a crappy econo-ehitbox can instantly become more fun to drive with a manual. My 96' Tacoma with its 4 banger, bench seats and crank windows is still a blast to drive. I’ve OTOH driven my friend’s Tacoma of the same size and its pretty

I cannot believe this is happening.

Sorry dude, but the US isn’t China’s only customer by far. And Shut the fuck up about the hate speak. We are talking about Trump and his policies which are very much saturated with hate and now that he’s fillin’ up his cabinet with the most rotten people, including the head of Brietbart, a known Alt-right extremist I

... which is sort of ridiculous given that he repeatedly insulted Veterens, including John McCain for being a POW.

Then guess what? You don’t have to fucking come here then. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out either.