
Trust me: I want that orange ogre to be out of the White House as soon as possible. The next chance is in 2 years and by then hopefully most of his supporters will have realized they were sold a bag of rotten goods and clean out congress and replace with more democrats, hence limiting the last and hopefully THE last 2

That too is equally as bad of an idea. The US is not in a bargaining position to do that and if we even try China could easily start dumping US currency. PS: I can’t believe I’m actually even remotely discussinf his policies: The man’s an idiot!

1st gear:

First let me state the obvious that Trump is full of shit and has no business being the President and hopefully he will be impeached soon. But historically speaking, his ideas of imposing retaliatory tarrifs are ideas that were tried before and ended in outright disaster. The 1930 Smoot–Hawley act did exactly that in

Still will only go about 125 miles. The bolt goes 240+ miles. A big delta there.

That’s hilarious. oh boy... “Light” beer...

Its basically a fancy ad...

Trump is weak and soon enough his supporters will come to the shocking revelation that they were sold faulty goods.

There’s already a zillion responses. But I’ll add my 2 cents. I live in California. Before that I lived on the east coast. Before that I was born and raised in the rural south.

I kind of don’t fucking care anymore. The country wanted Trump? They got Trump. Now they get to deal with it.

We tried tariffs before. In 1930 to be exact and all that did was cause all other countries to create their own tariffs which then further pitched the US into a deep recession

I’d very happily take Reagan over the dumpster fire that just got elected.

The reasons are more complicated. Byt the mid to late 70's it was clear the Big three needed FWD drivetrains. There were hardly any to be had and seeing was how making a FWD car back then was the easiest way to attain fuel economy standards GM, Ford and Chrysler all partook in a crash course program to develop their

What are we talking price-wise? The prices here in the US per city is really all over the place. Even in the immedtiate area I am in. SF is insane. A 2 BR apartment is now over $2,000 a month. But then on the other hand in a city like Nashville, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Sacramento, and a zillion others its really

Yeah, I’ve heard. Anyway, I am pretty sure Trump won’t win, but back when I was a tad worried about I did look into it. Basically comparitively speaking the US- even most of the major cities- is cheap compared to most other Western countries. Anywhere that I’d want to move is amazingly expensive. I would probably be

If that was supposed to be a joke.... gonna have to do better then that...

I live in California. So basically anywhere for me is freezing.

Ever looked at how much the cost of either rent or real estate is? You might want to check it out...

Isn’t the Ford Fusion based on a Mazda platform? That and the Ford Taurus is riding around on an old Volvo platform. In fact I looked into it and apparently the Taurus, Explorer, Flex, the Lincoln MKS and MKT all ride on modified D4 platforms, which are modified D3, Volvo platforms. And while even though this might

No... you don’t... the only reason Australian cities are as expensive as they are is because of the large amount of foreign real estate investment. To a lesser extent so too is SF. So actually, you get a better bang for your buck in a place like the SF Bay Area: Its cheaper than most any other AU city and has a