
I thought about it. Its REALLY expensive. I live in the SF Bay Area but holy shit: all of the major cities in AU are insanely expensive. Even when compared to SF.

Coupla’ things: First of all, Canada is pretty expensive. Toronto, Quebec, Vancouver, all amazingly pricey cities that in some cases makes even San Francisco look cheap in comparison.

Always a bad idea to buy someone else’s fart can car.

I hate to sound like an ass... but whatever happened to US automakers designing their own new platforms? It seems that literally every American car now is riding on some sort of other brand’s platform now.

Fuck this guy. Plain and simple. He has no business being in ANY form of government office.

More like you need something to outrun the boredom. I am from Tennessee originally, which has its fair share of boring, bleak landscape but Oklahoma? Jesus what a boring state to drive through. That and Arkansas.

After next week I hope to never hear the fucking word “Trump” ever again.

What they aren’t showing in the 1965 train is that everybody is having a grand ole’ time... smoking cigars and having their 3rd or 4th martini. Doesn’t remind me at all of “hyperloop”

And this, my friends is exactly why most Americans are piss ass broke and bitch about “ the economy”... because they’d rather spend all their dough on stupid shit like this.

I suppose it depends. The “old” Volvo is probably the only reason they exist: They made quirky, utilitarian cars. Now? They make stuff like looks like a Lexus/Acura whatever.

Well, ok. I know nuttin’ about offroading. How different are the typical jacks that are used in these applications?

What a god damned ugly ass car, even for 1983 standards. I can smell the cheap plastic interior looking at the photo too.

Doesn’t look that small to me. Looks similiar to the one I use for not only my rather heavy Chevy volt but my land yacht 55' Mercury Monterey too.

Volvo hasn’t been truly “ Volvo” in a long time. For years now they’ve been under various ownerships and the result has been cars that run the full gaumut of platforms and underpinnings from the likes of Ford, Mitsubishi, Mazda and various Volvo bits here and there. Cars are more like clothes now. Its all about the

Its ironic that he claims that Teslas are like German cars from the 70's since the quality then is a lot better than the crap they make now. Also, and this bears mention... put up or shut up. Unless Maserati, Mercedes, BMW, or frankly anyone else comes up with a car or product on par with Tesla.... shut the hell up...

Is it just me or does the “new” Camry actually look more like a 2005 generation design? I’m not sure why Toyota decided to take a step backwards in that regard.

Russia is very clearly trying to effect the outcome of this election. It was very clear Trump was about to lose heavily just a few weeks ago with the stories and videos of him and various women. And yet here we are now with a vast sea of emails that were hacked and now “conveniently” leaked just at the right time.

So there you have it folks: Trump will win. That’s right, a man who represents the utmost vile example of humanity, whom should have never-ever come even remotely this far and whom exudes ideas that could undo 200+ years of progress will have come into office only because outside interests directly interfered with our

Fuck this whole situation. Personally I do not give a flying fuck about this or any of the other Wikileaks emails. I’m more concerned about what is OBVIOULSY a very concerted effort to affect a US election.

That doesn’t even make sense...