
How is the Bolt not a competitor? For starters the Bolt is in production... NOW. As in they started producing the actual, physical cars this month for a projected delivery time period within the next few months.

Chevy Volt owner here: Not sure I agree with the article. Most of the power I use to charge my car probably comes from power plants using natural gas. So unless something drastic happens its more that perhaps oil companies would simply re-allocate where the supply is used: power plants.

Huh.. I had never heard of that. Pretty interesting!

So what is that then? Did Chrysler give Mitsubishi a license to make these or what? I’ve never heard of this before.

I grew up in the deep, rural south and now live in a major west coast city. The two areas could not be more different. The lives that rural Americans live are often VERY different from urban Americans live.

Sorry man, but every time I hear people make that claim it makes me wanna puke. I find it difficult to find a reasonable argument that somehow Trump’s dumfuckery is even remotely on the same planet to anything comparable. Most of the so-called Clinton “controversies” have been based on years-old, inflated stories kept

Wonder how long it went before the teeny wheel bearings in the jack stand overheated?

Boo fuckin’ hoo for the GOP. They should be tickled that they got a good 50 or so years of using the same bullshit scare tactics they’ve used to goad their ignorant base into doing what they say but now that their base is now too small, oh well, guess they have two choices: Change or continue losing election after

Who fucking cares. Because Trump sucks.

Then I would just love for him to check out my buddy’s BMW 3 series and just how delightful it is to get at the windshield washer fluid tank: Its a nightmare!

That thing also probably handles like absolute shit. Go buy a nice, used, last model Corvette instead...

Can this god-damned election get over with? Trump is done. Just roll the date forward and we don’t have to endure more non-stop stupid bullshit about Trump and at the same time read these asanine things and know he STILL has supporters. This election has given me a totally different opinion of my own country: We must

Looks like someone who would really benefit from learning how to weld.

Sort of amazing how cheap and “parts bin” the interior looks on this.

Probably not and perhaps due to the emissions scandal PR fallout. They seem to be touting EV but their target dates for a Bolt or Tesla competitor are years away, at which point the competition will probably be on generation 2 or 3 of their own EV’s.

That’s nuts. So does that mean something like a honda Fit, Ford Fiesta or VW Polo is like 40-50k?

100k?! What in the holy hell! Those things are more like 20k over here. What is up with the 80k markup?

Whats signifigant is that this is not only a hatchback, but also a diesel that doesn’t use circumventing cheat systems... AND its going to be available in the US. The release of this car seems awfully well-timed too, with VW now having to reconfigure their diesel lineup and their brand having been tarnished.

I live in the Bay Area too. This area is not exactly in love with American cars for some reason and I have to drive to another town to service my Volt. So that might explain the lack of supply.

Those are seriously sexy and very underrated cars. They really catch my eye whenever I see these on the freeway. I would wonder if the badge were removed would more people buy them.