
How is GM making any money on these? Also- the last time I rented one was way back in 2009 with the first iteration of the current design and found it impossible to see out of the windows. Has that been improved?

It looks like something you’d see from powerwheels.

I sat on a 787 2 years ago. Maybe it was the airline I was on but the roominess and space was the best I’ve experienvced


I’m not exactly a Harley fan... but no Harley rider would likely be caught on a BMW motorbike.

Yup. Our cars and my truck out here on average made it to around 10 years old before the plastics, rubber trim and plastic headlight lenses started to degrade. Even tires: 5 years in the sun and they start to dry rot. On the other hand my 60+ year old Mercury spent the first 58 years of its life outside and the frame

Yeah, well those cars both look like shit so I guess my statements rings true.

240 miles of range is a milestone. So until VW actually delivers a car that can go further and do so for an also reasonable price they can either put up or shut up.

The e-Golf is not exactly stellar if gauged for advancement in electric cars: The Ford Focus electric has been out for years and actually goes about 15 miles further than the e-Golf. Meanwhile the Bolt is out soon and will go 240+ miles. It was designed and developed in the space of about 2 years.

Sure about that? According to the story above this thing won’t be out in four more years. And if it had been in development for years then we would surely see something more than a few pie in the sky illustrations...

.... its a rough sketch of a car they don’t even have a prototype of. No seriously- if the above image is what any car will look like then automotive bad tastes in design must be the “new normal”...

The Chevy Bolt looks at least somewhat normal... as in like a small family car versus this and all the other large proponderance of strange alien, insect-like appearance of most other EVs including this thing from VW.( Tesla excluded)

Like it will matter. Trump’s supporters are blind and will vote for this guy no matter how awful he is or whatever awful things he’s said or done

This looks to me like a desperate rush job, maybe to redirect attention away from the whole dieselgate thingy. For starters the concept is too cartoonisly vaporware looking to remotely be real. Secondly four years is forver in EV development terms and especially when GM has the Bolt coming out anyday now and the Model

That transmission is hilariously simple! I’ve worked on riding mower transmissions that were far more complicated then that thing. Its sort of refreshing to see.

When I was a kid me and my Dad were in an antique engine club. So the earlier engines were often 100's of pounds. As in one of ours was a 1.5 HP Fairbanks Morse which weighed in at over 250 pounds. It was started by grasping the giant flywheels and giving them a spin.

I just saw that you are in the Bay Area. Me too. If so, there are luckily a whole shit-ton of salvage yards all over the East Bay in San Leandro and Hayward for you to get crap for the car.

You’re about the 11-millionth person who blurts out “ Whaddabout GM?” when it comes to VW. Sure- GM fucked up, as you said. But what GM did is not what VW did.

Not sure how I’d be able to drink that much shitty beer. Maybe it really isn’t “Lite” beer.

Ask how many people who remember a car company whom INTENTIONALLY and deliberately engineered a part of their car to fail and do so as designed. When you do, perhaps then we can talk...