
Guess they must come out with new Mclarens several times a day then. They must be very busy over there!

Mclaren Mclaren Mclaren....

Yeah, that one. That is seriously scary as shit. Its a good thing that soon after they stuck ballistic intercontinental missles in silos because prior to that they had bomber planes with those nuclear bombs in the air, 24/7. Sooner or later something catastrophic could’ve happened. We were very lucky nothing did...

The worst incident I remember reading about was of a B-52 that crashed on the Coast of NC in the early 60's. The nuclear bombs it carried got flung off and one landed so hard it buried itself in a field to a depth in which not all of it could be recovered. Recently it was declassified that on that particular bomb

This is sort of related but there’s also been a number of past incidents where nuclear weapons were either accidentally dropped from a plane or in the case of the Palomares crash in Spain:

Cost of Rimac Concept 1: $980,000


This. Time 1,000%. Every damned time there comes a stunning, beautiful, gorgeous Cadillac everyone yells- oh gawd its amazing! make it! And then we get something watered down instead.

If that’s a representation then it looks ridiculous.

I had to stop watching after halfway through. Yeah, silly is good. But honestly this sounded like high schoolers with a mic.

I grew up in the 80's so theoretically I should have nostalgic feelings for this. But no. Even as a kid I thought these were fucking ugly as sin. They haven’t gotten any better looking with age.

Could’ve been worse. A friend of mine in high school had a 74' VW SuperBeetle. One day a fuel hose ruptured and the engine caught fire. Since the magnesium blocks in these were impossible to put out once they caught fire the car more or less burnt to a crisp.

I can concur. As my name denotes I own a 55' Mercury. A great big four door sedan with no power steering and drum brakes. It makes me exhausted after an hour even on the freeway. Makes me appreciate dads of the 50's and long family vacations.

Yup. The locks simply stop working along with the rest of the Volkswagon electrical stuff as designed.

As someone who owns a Volt, perhaps I can shed some light for you so its not such a terrific mystery.

And once more you don’t seem to grasp the idea as to why there are people who want to buy an all EV car versus a very mild plugin, mostly gas car as this BMW. These are not the same and as such they are not comparable. But lamely BMW desperately wants some to think they are the same and hence their plea for people to

If you don’t understand why someone prefers an EV over a conventional gas car, even one with a teeny battery then you aren’t likely to understand my argument.

This BMW and the Model 3 are not even close to being the same car. Period. That’s my point. The Model 3 is from the ground-up, purposely designed all-electric car with a 200+ mile range. The BMW above is based off of a conventional gas-powered model and goes 14 miles on a small battery pack.

Why is it that no matter the model, pretty much ALL campers and RV’s have really shitty looking, 1990's-era interiors? The interior of the one above looks to the same as the crappy 20 foot camper my folks had as a kid in the late 80's.

Isn’t this one of the most heavily depreciating cars you can get used? Seems like I see some of these, not even that old, for 1/4 or less than the new sticker price.