
Heck yeah its true. My very bone-stock 96' 4 banger Tacoma with a basic 5 speed manual is like driving a go cart.

I can’t wait to get the second Gen when its used enough to drop in price. My commute is long enough to where I more or less have to drive sort of conservatively to maintain the battery range. But with the extra 15-20 miles of the new one I could more or less “let loose” if I wanted to. It took 3 years for the first

Before I bought a house I rented a house for 8 years. Something I always did ( and still do at my own home) is to make sure and put down some cardboard before I work on my car. Its just common sense and prevents oil and grease from getting all over the driveway.

I really like this thing.... but there is no way in hell I can see this working at all, or at least here in the Bay Area. That thing would last probably 5 minutes in early morning commute before either a big rig tried to run under it or some jackass weaving in and out of traffic hit one of the inteior wheels.

On a typical week I will drive 38 miles to work, plug in there which is free, and drive home on battery only. So figure around 190 miles per week on the battery. It costs 75-80 cents to charge the car at home per day.

5th Gear:

Jesus. Bosch appliances. The house I used to rent had a Bosch dishwasher. Was it heavily built? Yes. Did it ruin nice and quiet? Yup. But man that thing was a piece of garbage. In the end you couldn’t actually turn it off. In fact at a recent dinner discussion Bosch dishwashers came up and apparently everyone who’d

That’s why there are long term reliability reports, and these tend to show most German brands not exactly holding up very well.

Yeah and I’m not sure why either. When I bought this I was a stupid 18 year old kid and would do things like donuts and throwing the transmission into gear. But the first clutch lasted to 210,000 miles. Putting a new one in was easy as apple pie. So far the new one has about 50,000 miles and seems to be doing fine

Yeah but you’re comparing an almost 30 year old truck to a new BMW. Not really a comparison per say. But on the other hand just aboiut any top-of-the-line Lexus will easily go for 100's of thousands of miles without an issue and none of the gadgets and stuff on it breaks either.

And thus the irony, huh? The irony is that while BMW, VW, Audi, and Mercedes go on and on and on about their wonderful engineering, what that really translates to is that the cars are ( yes I know cliche’) over-engineered with lots of totally unnecessary redundant components and features.

I couldn’t tell if this post was supposed to be sarcastic. My reaction was sorta like.... hmmm... ok.....

They should rename their company to the Baloney Truck Company

This is an old article and I can’t recall if I mentioned this but I own a 2011 Chevy Volt. With regards to it vesus the E-golf, Ford Focus EV, Leaf, and other all-EV models currently available in this price range, until the model 3 comes out these cars are IMHO not exactly practical and here is why: Their useful range.

Ugly is ugly and at least to me... this is an ugly car. The trunk is longer than the front of the car. It looks like someone stuck an early Lexus and something else from the Toyota body parts bin together.

If Apple is making a car then they need to say something about it. I say that because as much as I love Apple products their products are starting to get a little.... “Stale”.

Was going to vote NP. But when it comes to rust and cars, the rust you see is almost always going to be hiding a LOT more elsewhere. Sorry, CP.

Seems interesting how the market has changed and planes like the 777 are becoming a more viable choice. I assume because they’re cheaper, more fuel efficient and still carry a lot of people?

Those arent real tacos anyway. I grew up in TN and “tacos” there were basically crispy molded corn chip things like the one above filled with hamburger meat and salad. Then I moved to California. Totally different thing.

I disagree. SUVs are now old-hat. What all families must have is a Winnabago. If you have a family of with two kids, then said kids will want to bring along their friends, pets, and of course a 50" flat screen TV. Plus what about Mom-n-Dad? They also need to bring along the family deep freezer Back in the 2010's maybe