
Diamonds are a ripoff as they are more or less very common and expensive only because the supply is kept intentionally limited via a monopoly. But if you want one, get a zirconium one. Nobody will know the difference anyway.

Looks like the smoke machines were kept on full-blast for the entire filming.

My initial response was for a 2 child family, not 3. Sure. Let’s up it to 4, or why not 5? Eventually you’d have to buy a bus.

I sorta.... don’t care?

No choice? Sorry but I’m not buying that. This is all about consumerism and current American tastes in vehicles, and that’s all. Note that I have no problem with that. Back in the day the most popular thing was a station wagon and before that giant sedans. We like big things. Big trucks, big houses, big TVs.... Big

SUVs are more or less today’s station wagons. Its because Americans like big SUVs and in general: Big things ( cars, houses, TVs, etc ) and so I don’t exactly buy the more “scientific” reasons since I know plenty of people who (gasp) can in fact do just fine with 2 kids and a small or even medium sized vehicle.

Neutral: Are We Headed For A Downturn?

Seems like my former college roomate who’s now married did just fine with his Ford Focus and two toddlers. The real reason Americans claim that they have to have a ful size SUV, truck, or crossover is simply put- Americans like em’ some big-ass-trucks. That’s fine. If they want to use the 2 kids excuse then that ain’t

Perhaps in other countries the featured truck is a “Big Rig” but this certainly is not in the US.

But they don’t “look” like expensive cars. As in yeah, if one sees a Bentkey/Rolls/or whatever it smells like Richie-Rich. This looks like some run of the mill Mercedes and living here in the Bay Area I see a tons of these on the roads. I never gave them a second look let alone aknowledge someone at some point blew

No, I’d say most Mercedes drivers knew the cars cost 100k.

We’re still talking 2000 era dollars. I guess my reaction is just that the cars never “looked” like they would ever cost that much money.

These things cost 100 grand?! Jesus. I had no idea. I wonder how many people bought these and really, really hoped others knew how much they cost. They would be disappointed...

I’ve seen these in my area for probably 3-4 years already

Oh I see. I will need to go watch a few countering tinfoil hat fake documentaries to counter your “facts”. In the meantime I’ve heard there are also a number of excellent Area 51 documentatries too and they are ALL very true. Every single one of them. But in the meantime I hope you’re ignoring all of those made-up

Every single thing you mentioned was exactly what I’ve heard literally every other Republican voter mention, meaning its all based on a bunch of bullshit. So if you think what you said above are”facts” then its time for a reality check.

I would accept your answer only via what people’s expectations are today versus actual reality. As a child of the 80's me and my brother both somehow survived and lived to tell the tale of sitting in the back seat of my parent’s 85' Camry, back when they were truly small cars. In fact we had a hitch for that thing for

At this point the show is just a name. Let it go and make more room for something newer and who knows? Maybe better?

·Neutral: Will Small Cars Ever Make A Comeback?

We need more comments like yours because it more or less nails it.