
Uh, not sure where that comparison comes from. My Uncle is a 3rd generation dairy farmer and John Deere is all they’ve ever used. Some are more than 50 years old and still used daily. Some of his newer tractors have a nicer interior than his F-350. These are machines that can cost upwards of $300,000-$600,000 and are

What’s rather frusturating to me is that the only answer I’ve heard from Trump’s campaign have been answers that have nothing to do with plagerism. They simply give out vague notions that Melanie’s speech had some of the same “words” but words is not what the issue is. It is the fact that her speech contained entire

Why is she smiling so estatically?

I don’t know as I personally don’t do donuts.

Wow. The thing is horribly gaudy but for some intangible reason I really like it at the same time. Someone clearly has a lot of skill. The fabrication looks excellent.

Well, probably not as easy to do as you state, but a few years ago a minivan launched over the side on the old part of the Bay Bridge that’s now gone. So with that possibility I’d probably be wary of doing crazy stuff on the bridge since losing control there means you very well could flip right over the side.

If you’re going to do donuts that is not the place to do them. It wouldn’t exactly be hard to launch your car right over the edge and the Bay Bridge is 200 feet above the water.

You could probably do the same with a welder.

Not exactly. The concept of the autobhan had been around since the 1920's and while the vast bulk of the autobahn was created after WW2, around 13,000 KM of road was completed before the end of the war. It was used as a piece of propaganda and in some instances during the war planes were hidden under some of the

Like speed holes.

That has to be the longest timing belt I’ve ever seen.

Its sort of like seeing one of those stupid ads selling some sort of organizing system for closets or pantrys. Humans aren’t wired to be regementally neat. So when I see stuff like that along with those glamour garages I’m like: “ Yeah right!”

I’m too much of a packrat for a house like those. Designer houses only work if you keep them perfectly clean and decorated. Since you can see through the entire house if it were mine people would drive by and see a house full of random crap that I collect.

I’m not a fan of sterile, cold home designs. Then again I also think the design for the i3 is terrible too. I don’t get the design language in that car especially seeing as how the i8 looks great. But the i3? WTF...

I did too and wondered why those never seemed to sell very well. I think the complaint was that they had zero trunk space or something.

Seems that was the case with the aforementioned teacher I had. That and it seemed like the interior would have bits and pieces falling off. Back when it came out GM was promoting Saturn as being akin to a Japanese car with all of the quality controls and so forth. A first that seemed somewhat true. But the car don’t

The plastic body panels was one of their bragging points. Remember the ads where kids were playign basketball or something and the ball “bounced” off the car? I think there was another where a garbage can ran into it. But the plastic seemed a bit brittle. Occasionally I see one on the road with actual holes punched

I have a friend from the UK who’s father works at a Vauxhall plant. I can’t recall which one. But hopefully he won’t lose his job as a result of this.

They were big where I grew up, but mostly because they were made nearby. I grew up in Tennessee and the Saturn plant was big news. I distinctly recall going to the local mall and there were 2 brand-new Saturns on display, a little after the brand first came out. I think this was in late 89' or something and for at

I love this car. Its like a Maverick, Mustang, Pinto, and Celica all got wrapped up into one car.