
They like shit tons of mayonaise as well

You couldn't give me this car. It's a big piece of shit made when Audi made truly atrocious, unreliable cars.

Actually he doesn't know shit about anything in general.


whoopee. Its this year’s model, but now with maybe one more crease.

Ha ha! My favorite part of the movie. Glad you found that!

It makes sense. Yuppies just love getting back to basics and all things artesinal and we all know that those lovely hand cranks are surely the best made hand cranks money can buy, cuz its made out of Mercedes plastic.

I was making fun of people who buy these because I’m so rich that I simply throw the whole car away. Buncha’ poor people.

And you look like the piss boy!

Nope. A cement truck full of cement formed out of crushed up Ferraris and burnt up tires.

I’m more then that. I’m a whole god-damned cement truck full-oh-fun

Yes. Because I really enjoy watching someone who dumped a few hundred grand on a sports car burn up a few thousand more Dollars worth of tires.

There is absolutely no possible way that if I were the judge that I could prevent myself from laughing my ass off at this case.

Why would this even be a remote possibility? Cadillac as we all know had one of the best wagons available just a few years ago and the things barely sold. So why would GM attempt it again with Buick?

This site repeatedly called Tesla a vaporware company before the model S more or less shut that up. Thus I’m not really surprised this attitude still exists here. Signed- person who’s been driving a Volt for 5 years so far...

I can’t tell if you are actually serious or not. But whatever. You want to know what’s really ironic about the gun debate? An awful lot of the pro-gun folks will spend their lives completely petrified and paranoid that someone is gonna take away thar’ guns. The ironic part is I’d wager 90% of those same people take

They did this in China town Oakland and it works well. That area too had a major issue as a lot of people live there and we're constantly crossing the street.

Yeah, that guy. Maybe its the glasses but I swear that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw Evan’s face.

I just realized what it was about Evan’s face: He looks like that weird old man character that 6 flags used years ago.

It looks like it was added after the car was signed off. As if they just stuck it on after finding a place to put it. Unfortunate as the front is where everybody looks. They could have at least tried to incorporate into the actual shape of one of the grille bars or maybe recessed it further back.