
I learned financial planning the hard way. After graduating college I spent 4 years working at shitty low-paying retail jobs. That makes a person rather good at scrimping and saving along with prioritizing what is really needed versus wanted.

What is that thing in the grille? It looks like something was covered or taped over. If that’s actually part of the design then what the hell?

Honestly I don’t really care anyway. Sorry but the old show’s quality and character cannot be replaced with a totally different crew of people.

Really? I had no idea. At least you wouldn’t know it here in Cali because I swear it seems that every other person has some sorty of new Volvo/Audi/BMW whatever. I don’t seem to see many Buicks. But maybe its because they aren’t exactly exciting and hence “invisible”

It looks heavy.

38k? Wow! How did you keep the miles so low? MIne is now approaching the 270k mark even though its now semi-retired and used to haul crap around town.

Yeah. I recall that though we were just a bunch of kids with little drving experience that the Corsica was likie driving a soggy mop. Absolute awful handling. Plus it just felt cheap. The speakers in the back were covered in crappy carpet, which was cheaper of course over having speaker covers.

Yup. Same here. In fact when I did graduate I went out and bought a new but totally stripped down, basic small toyota tacoma 4 banger. I still own that thing too. In fact about a year ago I found a clarinet reed stuffed in the change drawer from back when I played in the HS band.

Who knows. I haven’t seen a Corsica or really many GM products from that era that are still on the road. Granted that was 20+ years ago.

I didn’t understand why the model existed since there were several other Chevys and GM cars that all looked exactly the same. The only good thing I recall about the car was that it was actually pretty fast.

As a child of the 80's with high school being in the early to mid 90's... good god were there some horribly UGLY cars. Seeing the Lebarons above reminds me of my sophmore year. A kid in my math class had one of those in that nasty metallic baby blue color. The driver’s ed car was a Chevy Corssica. The entire interior

This seems like a dumb idea. Why not see how it goes for Tesla? At this point Tesla is years ahead of whatever VW might propose, has the mind share and Apple-like adoration. But if the gigafactory winds up being a failure then other automakers might either be more wary or learn from their mistakes. Besides- without

It sort of looks like a Ford Expedition with Volvo badges.

what the fuck was that?

I had a good relationship with an independent dealer 3 years ago. We bought a used Volt and they had run a carfax report and were pretty straightforward on price: the price was the price.

Yup. Guess they’ll be stickin’ VW engines in there.

This guy must be the brother of the RHNB guy ( Red hot nickel ball )

I recall the whole thing about the plug that GM chose to go with and it went something along the lines of GM, Ford, Nissan and Toyota coming to a sort of agreement on a “standard” and that plug was it. Keep in mind this was back in 2007 or so when the Volt, Leaf and other Plugins were in early conceptual development.

Volume production is key, yes. But when I was talking about the plug, the J1772 variety, well that plug is already by far the most common. It came with my Volt and everyone else’s. Actually something that many of these manufactures didn’t consider is that many older US homes don’t come with an electrical system that

The issue at least for now is the Chargers above 240 is cost. Some of the high speed chargers that tesla uses are over 100k. The challenge is how to get that price down.