
There is not a single US automaker that was not in some way subsidized by the US government during the recession. None.

I own an 11' Volt I bought used 2 years ago. The new Volt will be on my shopping list once they become... “ used enough” to drop the prices.

I’d say this young man has a bright future ahead of him!

That's a whole lotta dough for something that looks like someone stuck on one of those cheap plastic body kits.

Ha ha! Ex Tennesseean here and yes- similar thing there too.

Well, the last gen lacrosse was also... “not bad” but not great either. I remember looking at an 08' Lacrosse at a local dealer because I was bored one day and the fit and finish was good, the interior was nice, but it just did not really have the punch. Especially when you look at what Cadillac has these days.

The reason the brand is around probably for one thing. China. They sell a absolute ton of Buicks in China and furthermore, some of the models there don’t look half bad. Oh- they sell Cadillacs there too. So I’m not sure why Buick is so bland in the US. Hell- I even wondered if maybe GM just turned Buick into some kind

Or at least something remotely close to that. GM is probably too afraid of a “nice” Buick interfering with Cadillac. But they’ve dumbed down Buick so much why even try?

GM needs to make more of an effort with Buick. I feel that after coming out with a slew of new designs in the 2007-09 era the brand has languished. So much for making it a competitor to either Lexus or Audi, which is what they claimed they wanted to do back then. I could totally see Buick in the US market go away and

No need to be all Cavalier about it, I’m sure that some Chinese Celebrities will be in some of the ads.

Maybe they will resurrect Oldsmobile

Yes I’m crazy but in some ways I sort of miss some of those cars. Amazing that they sold seeing as even when I was a kid and the cars were new they seemed like the damned most boring designs. Just boxes on wheels. It was like there was a period at GM to reject design.

Yup. Its amazing the statistics of people who are in that industry who might make serious money- as in 150k or more- and then in turn go totally broke.

The sad thing is that I’m 38 and I’ve seen this happen at least 3-4 times so far and I bet we’re not far from another givin the craziness of the housing market and the zeal for big ass trucks that came with the last boom.

Ever peed in the car?

I was being fairly sarcastic and over the top in my response as you probably sniffed out. But gas prices are one thing but these trucks are now something like 40-60k these days and so in many cases the “bro” in these situations have quite large truck payments due every month. A recession would certainly throw a wrench

Its a Pilot with a bed glued on. That and sorry, but its a sacrilage to have a tail gate that doesn’t actually work like a tailgate.

Yup and when they do they can also buy a few more stickers that prove what badasses they really are that can be applied to the rear window.

The pickup craze will end the same as it always does.

Yuck it up with your cute and predictable reply be cuz trump is going to lose the election and you all will once more have four more years to cry bitter tears over not having a republican in the White House.