
Side profile looks like a camero with oversized wheels.

Your assessment is inaccurate times infinite. I win. Forever!

Showing us another picture of this rather unattractive car isn’t making a point. Its an ugly car.

Your response does not compute. Error! Error!

That thing is very, very cool!!!

If he doesn’t like the Cayenne then I’m not sure he would dig this either. It seems like Porsche has been bastardizing their brand for some time now and this thing looks every bit the part of another bastardized design. If he wants a big thing to haul the grandkids in... just go out and get a Escalade...

You seem to have put it better than I could’ve. Yes, it is very salamandery...

Does anyone else think this thing is incredibly fugly? Its like a regular porsche got wrung out in a big taffy machine.

I really dislike “trucks” like these, which for all practical purposes are a large SUV with a bed added to the end as a kind of afterthought. If both Toyota and Nissan can develop and sell actual full sized trucks for the US market then so too can VW.

Polls showing a hypothetical race between Hillary and trump shows trump losing by a landslide. The GOP is totally in panic mode.

Yeah except they don't and Obama has been the best president we've had in decades.

The old stuff had a shit ton of benzene and toluene. Back before I got a “real job” I mixed paint and we were required to read the MSDS sheets. That was like reading a horror story.

God I hope so. It makes me wince seeing that. I always, always wear a respirator when painting. Read the ingredients of spray paint and anyone would be nuts not to do so.

Doesn’t matter. They are close enough to the vapor.

Dipshits aren’t wearing any masks. That is not at all ideal for your lungs.

More properly its about demographics. The demographic that supports trump arent large eno9ugh to win him the election.

Am I thrilled about Hillary? Not really. But she will make a good President. The idea of Trump remotely coming close to becoming President is mass insanity. It is mathematically impossible for Mr Trump to win. The election might as well be over at this point.

Doesnt matter anyway since Trump will lose the election and w can all laugh about it later.

Why this is surprising is beyond me given that all it is is a Honda Pilot El Camino....

its cheaper to help the owner compensate for its future repairs.