
Volvo is entirely owned-note- not merely “Financed” by Geely. Secondly, their operations are out of Gothenburg, Sweden. Frankfurt is in Germany. Ford does not own Volvo and hasn’t for several years now.

how so? Explain....

Pretty amazing that it actually looked halfway feasible once they got up to speed.


I don’t think Volvo has any room to talk. At least Tesla actually owns themselves...

I think that deep down inside all Americans know that if history serves as a lesson then it probably won’t be too terribly long before all of our cars- including American brands- are also made in China. I mean- what’s stopping that from happening now? All of our appliances, electronics, shoes, and even lawn mower

To me it really and truly comes down to dollars and cents. We rented for almost a decade, all throughout the 2000's housing boom and later bust which was especially pronounced in the SF Bay Area. Even after the bust there was a prolonged period in which prices stubbornly refused to move downwards as owners were in

Would I pay 26k for this? No. But I do think the price isn’t out of line. This is a pretty cool car if in fact it’s totally legit, so I’m going NP on this one.

It does seem like those brands on average have more problems and of those problems, they tend to cost a lot more to deal with.

He wasn't. And BTW here in the U.S. We have a lot of European food restaurants. Your country makes delicious food! I'll have to get my European passport when I visit Europe next year

It's the same reason leases exist: go out and lease a BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Land Rover, or whatnot and when they start getting to the point of being riddled with problems usually the lease is up anyway.

Uhh.... I went to art school too ( back when doing so was cheap and frowned upon) and one of the first things we learned was all about color fastness. The red ink used for those Bernie stickers will start fading immediately. That and the adhesive underneath them will start deteriorating right away too. But in the end

Today’s CP rating will likely beat yesterday’s 70% rating. I'm guessing it will be at 90%+

This is not really making a point. Put into the same crash configuration the Volvo would have most likely suffered the same damage. My mother had a similar thing happen a few years ago: she was in her Honda CR-V and rear ended by a Buick. While the Buick’s front end was crumpled her bumper only experienced a minor

I live in the East Bay and like it but concur that yes- SF isn’t exactly pleasant and I avoid going there if I can help it. The same is true for most of the Peninsula. Just one un-ending suburb with million dollar shack houses.

It also comes with plastic robot people too from the looks of it.

I don’t know much about NJ. I drove through it moving to and then from Boston and what I recall was the smell. It seriously smelled like a combination of rotton eggs and diesel fuel. Then again that was 20 years ago and I have no idea what part of the state I was in either.

Hell, I wouldn’t want to live there either. I lived in Boston for a few years and it was basically 6 months of miserable weather followed by maybe a month of nice spring weather... and then 3 months of opressively hot weather. No thanks. That and NJ is insanely expensive.

Yup. I concur. Its the tail lights that’s doing it since they are very similar in shape. Very... “ Acura-like”

First of all, the overall design is confusing. Its like a cross between an Acura, Audi and Jeep Grand Cherokee. Second of all I can’t imagine this will be at all cheap. As such they should have stuck an Audi badge on it and called it a day. Thirdly, I can’t imagine what an electrical nightmare this thing will be given