
Sorry man but your the guy whining. Whine whine whine.... oooooohhh those Tesla fans! whine whine...

Whoops. Sorry! Yes, I meant the 300C

These largest single employer in the entire U.S. is wallyworld. Yes. One chain of big box store. A company notorious for working their staff just barely under full time. This is quickly followed by the remainder of the large chains as the largest employers in the country.

The jobs you’re referring to are almost all within the retail, minimum wage sector. What you describe was already going full-swing before the recession: Big box stores and fast food places were cutting full time positions or reducing hours so they wouldn’t have to provide benefits. They’ve also been dragging their

Sorry but this thing looks completely stupid. Like someone took a 300M and did one of those awful custom jobs and blended with an SUV. Plus- that color? Gah! Who says the rich have good taste?

Fine. I’m going to call anyone who buys full size trucks and mass-produced cars as part of a cult. See? we both win.

Maybe because those cars aren’t as exciting and maybe there are actually people who want to buy a car that is more interesting than the literally millions upon millions of cookie-cutter Chevy Suburbans, F-150's, Mustangs and SUVs that clog the roads of generic American suburbia on a daily basis.

Then why are you commenting? If you didn’t care then you wouldn’t have bothered. Oh- and BTW, I have a big ass, 22 foot long land yacht that also guzzles a shit ton of gas. That doesn’t mean that I should dislike Tesla.

Its more like the same people who probably graduated high school and immediately went to work at fast food chains and then complain that they never seem to have any money and then blame it all on “librals”

Knock Knock.... 2008 just called. Have you looked at the latestr job reports? We’re down to around 4% unemployment, which is actually lower than it was pre-recession. The job market is actually doing well. Hence why people have disposable incomes. But even so, why is a 35k Tesla more expenive than the big-ass honkin

I own a Chevy Volt and love it. I am also interested in the Bolt. But hands-down there’s no comparison. I drove a Model S last year and the thing was insane. Probably the most amazing vehicular experience I’ve had. While GM will likely sell the snot out of the Bolt because let’s face it... it looks more or less like

I realize I’m piling on here, but there is a reason people are so enamored with Tesla: What they make is excellent and what they promise they generally deliver. Nobody else at this point has anything like their cars. At this point every single major luxury car maker is scrambling to come up their own.

Do these people have jobs?

I’ve had three people I know go to Japan in the last year. The number one and two comments they come back with is that A: people are very polite and B: there is NO crime. As in if someone leaves a bicycle against a light post unchained nobody will touch it... for years.

Just stick a v8 on a unicycle and call it a day. No weight. Just an engine.

Next up, here’s another silly car that is irresistibly cute and it never made it into production. Yipeee!!!

wrong. 29 hours, 55 minutes

or we could just wait less than 24 hours for its reveal and we will then know for sure...

In French “Jumpy” means minivan. Duh.

I am seriously contemplating the Model 3 if it really promises what Tesla claims in regards to its price. Whats left for me is its range. if we’re talking 200+ miles then great. My Volt will be 7 years old by the time the Model 3 comes out and since I assume none will be readily available since all of those