
But do you havev a gas station at your house? Electric car drivers simply come home and plug their cars in and they charge while they eat dinner.

That’s about the driest add I’ve ever read. ( or had translated )

It's got a ford engine? No shit. I didn't know that. Probably about the only thing reliably built in th vehicle.

Solution: Sell em’ all and buy one, good, shiny car or truck.

Would I want to own a new Civic? Not more than any number of other cars that look almost exactly like it in a current landscape where every other car looks like some confused amalgamation of trapezoid lights, origami sheet metal shapes and the continual changing definition of what a compact car is since many of

Oh, I also wanted to say I hope that wasn’t offensive. Very glad to see you replaced the brake lines.

Holy shit. The underside of your vehicle looks like the wreck of the Titanic.

I know I will probably get hell for this, but perhaps if the media in general would stop giving so much attention to Trump, perhaps people wouldn’t give as much of a flying fuck about his bullshit ideas and he’d go away like some awful bowl movement

Ha ha ha!! That totally made my day! Oh, and BTW, I rode motorbikes for 7 years but before that- scooters. My modded honda elite was way more fun than any motorbikes

You can thank me in November when another democrat is in the White House.

IF you want to try and argue with me then get your facts straight. Taxes under Obama are actually lower than they’ve been since the 1960's. The ONLY mention of taxes by this administration was a discussion about tax reform and primarily an adjustment on the taxes cut on the absolute wealthiest Americans undertaken by

No mention the real problem here which was that the GOP, from day one plainly said they would sit on their well-paid asses and say “no” to every single thing that Obama and his admis said and did. Well, they tried and in turn wound up costing the American taxpayer billions of unneccesary dollars, almost ruining the US

This will sound like Hillary but we need to take this seriously. Very seriously. I and practically anyone else with half a brain has taken the idea of Trump as President as being some huge and highly unlikely joke. We need to stop thinking that way and start focussing on outvoting his supporters. In the end its not

In can’t tell the difference between this and all the other wedge-shaped cars shown.

Damn it I was going to say something about Republicans and elephants but you beat me.

You know what I was thinking... we should have another article about a Bugatti. I mean- there seems to have been a shortage of stories about them lately. I think maybe another 5-6 stories today will do the trick...

Kind of looks like a glorified pinewood derby car.

Oh she does. Her sister is all about Trump and according to my Grandmother she gave her a piece of her mind over the phone about it. Actually come to think of it I wonder where in the hell these Trump supporters are? I actually know very few people who are Trump supporters. A great many of my friends and family are

What an unbelievably boring looking car. Plus I thought the name was a joke or something.

This makes me sad and angry at the same time. Purely innocent people died from other people’s outright stupidity. A horrible, horrible shame.