
My 90+ year old Grandmother is a staunch Republican and has been all her life. She too is dumbfounded about Trump and really, really dislikes the guy.

We’re going to find out real quick what’s the possible scenario come the nomination. I see it either two ways: either it becomes immediately apparent that Trump will do extremely poorly in national polls and the race will more or less be over.... Or... we will all get just as surprised as we’ve been and he does really

The worry is that it seems that no matter how ridiculous the guy gets, no matter how gross he acts and no matter how wrong he is that somehow there are literally millions of Americans who love him and will vote for him no matter what he does.

Even when I was a kid and the 1980's Thunderbird was new I still hated the way those things looked. The Thunderbird was one of the few cars out there that managed to start out life as a very sweet looking car and then slowly but surely became uglier and uglier. The last generation ( before the retro version) came out

The brand has been haunted by reliabiliy issues for decades and the way I see it is that if their new plan is to speed up the development of new products then so too will probably be the creation of even more issues the cars will have.

what the guy who owns the Pontiac is saying is that lookie here, my big ass car can fit you, your wife and your horses in here so get in and lets go.

I own a Volt. And a giant 50's American led-sled. But anyway, the way I look at this is that electrical power is generated by many, many different sources. Yes- more and more is being generated via wind, solar and so on but as of this writing a large quantity still comes from fossil fuels. More recently- natutal gas.

Its interesting how very similar this looks to a late 80's, early 90's honda civic hatch and it almost makes you wonder if the designers for the Civic were influenced by this design.

A former roommate of mine had one of these. Honestly it was one of the biggest pieces of shit. We're talking VW levels of ridiculous mechanical and electrical issues even with not that many miles on the clock too. Crap pipe. Hell- maybe even meth pipe.

Camrys are more exciting

We do not care what others think. Enjoy yer bland cars.

Oh ok, so I guess they should make more bland cars moving forward. And your comment about craft beer... It is slowly eating the margins of the big American beer makers. So this take a look again at my first comment and ask yourself if this is a good direction to take...

The same can be said for BMW, Mercedes, and Audi whom have all cheapened their brands, dumbed down their designs, and made care more appealing to the zillions of suburbanites out here who love badges.

The car looks pretty bland. Plus there’s something not right with some of the proportions here. The front and rear look like they belong to completely different cars.

First gear: Like WTF? Seriously. And correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t CR also rank the Jetta highly back in the late 90's?

What “right” was taken away from you? I love how conservatives just go on and on and on about their precious, so-called “rights” when over the years they in turn are the most responsible demographic in the country when it comes to standing in the way of actual rights of other citizens and their lives. I would also bet

If you were to show this at the Beijing auto show and told me it was some sort of Chinese luxury brand I’d possibly believe it.

Better not make metal robot man angry...

Really? Cool! I'd never heard of that before.

Sheer poetry.