
I would concur. As the amount of money that would need to be spent on developing an engine for a small niche product that would make no sense. I know basically zero about boat engines. But I assume Mercury must be good if that that brand is the one chosen.

My guess is that its not like this is Mercede’s bread and butter and pouring money into developing a marine engine wouldn’t make sense. Using engines from a well-established marine engine manufacture does make more sense. Still- sort of strange cross branding going on...

I also imagine smoking cigerettes on a cigerette boat would be nearly impossible. Ok, stupid puns aside, does anyone else think its a bit odd that this is a Merceded AMG branded boat yet the “guts” are Mercury engines? That would be like Mercedes making a supercar of some sort and stickin an engine under the hood from

While I personally don’t trust anything made by VAG, I fail to see why they aren’t selling these in the US. It would make a lot of sense because the typical demographic whom buy VW’s are pretty similar to those whom buy cute cars too such as Mini, and Fiat 500's. I live in the SF Bay Area and I have no doubt VW would

I’m old enough to remember these cars well. They were terrible. A friend of mine had a 77' Chevette in high school and getting on the freeway meant you needed to make sure nobody was coming in the near future because the acceleration was basically non existent.

Mechanical nightmares aside, this is a car that automatically caused people to think you're an asshole.

Tell you what. You show me any other person or group of people spending anywhere near that amount these guys do. Better yet, I’ll save you some time. You won’t. These two have done a tremendous amount of harm to our country. That and their political beliefs are nonsensical bullshit. These fuckers claim it’s for these

You are missing the point. These assholes have one goal in mind: buy politicians. That's it. Any American whom believes in the principles of democracy should be upset with this.

Lame response. Gates uses his money for things like funding Malaria vaccines. In other words he does actual good things with his money versus trying to prop up the fucked up lame ass excuse of a party the GOP has become.

Interesting that you talk about the evils of government subsidies- which BTW are given not only to various electric carmakers but to the oil industry as well- and yet you didn’t mention the true evils concerning rich billionaires manipulating the political system by throwing money at any and all legislation that

Beyond the big stupid bunny ear tail lights it looks like any other big euro wagon. Whats sad to me is that when I see the pic above the last version that more or less really says “Volvo”is the yellow car on the end. Ever since then sure- Volvo has a badge. But they’re more or less generic now.

Would've been better if they'd named it booger.

Mercedes and BMW deserve the same comments too.

.... It looks like every other car they have...

Stay away. Stay very far away.... A reliability nightmare...

Just remove the silly wheels and stick back on the factory originals and you’re good to go.

It also seems to be that there must be a rule within VAG that all executives must wear the exact same style of eye glasses. That and to constantly look constipated.

I’m way too cheap to buy anything that pricey. But if you twisted my arm and stuck 60k in my hands and forced me I’d probably for the new Caddy CT6. A, because I like the way it looks and B, its not like every other postage-stamp BMW everyone else drives.

Does BMW have a giant play dough machine? I ask because all of their cars look all the fucking same. Maybe not the i3. They used the old Pontiac Aztec mold for that. But the rest? They just push the button and stick different badges on the trunk lids.

Did you mean the United States? The SS America was grounded om 1994. But anyway, I believe that so long as the ship in question was made in the US and is staffed by A US crew then that will suffice. The law is really old. Like from the 1880's and I’m not up to speed on all the details.