
Well.. if you rev your engine way, way past its limit... it’ll explode. Duh?

It looks fat for some reason.

So its based off of a Viper, right? As much as I love Bob Lutz I can’t really feel that enthusiastic for this car. Anytime an existing car is merely re-tooled, its still not further removed being a kit car- albeit a nice one- but kit car just the same.

All I can think is: Thank god I moved from the Northeast to California.

The plow probably constantly says: “Fuck you snow!”

My Bachelors of Science? Yup. Most people don’t really know how to see through their own degrees let alone those like me who went on for a masters.

yeah, that puts what I was thinking better!

your rude words are like teflon to me.

Not really taking a beating, more that there’s quite a few people who don’t really get what I’m saying here. So starting from the top, and as seen in the story’s contents, VAG is shifting gears rapidly towards EV and clean energy drivetrains. This is not only an excercise in product development but more importantly,

The translation for what you said above basically means that you’re just not happy for being wrong. But its ok, we are all wrong every once in awhile. No need to overcompensate by using big-boy words...

I secretly like these things. I’m not sure why as they’re enormous, but they definitely look nice in my book.

Was it? Or was it over there? You never know...

I farted!

... And you must not have read my prior and later responses to this same statement. I don't agree with you.

For a second I thought this was real. Must be late in the day...

That has nothing to do with that I said...

Ha ha! Score one for the good guys!

Let’s back up the train for a sec. Where this small debate occured was in an initial response (but not from you ) making a proclamation that EV drivetrains are more simplistic. That was in regards to the future possible long-term reliability of drivetrains in general. I can understand where that idea might come from:

you are correct . If someone makes an incorrect assertion then I can’t agree with them, which is fine by my book. The reason your argument is null and void is because you are basing your entire argument around a transmission while conveniently leaving out the rest of the systems on board the volt, all of which are

Yeah buddy, well I’m an aeronautical engineer by trade and can easily make the elementary crap you work on look like Legos. So buddy, I suggest you learn a bit more about your EV drivetrains before trying to form some kind of made- up response in a lame effort to impress me, buddy.