
I too paid a lot of attention to the Volt’s development. Do you recall the old GM forum? I used to go on there and me and a few other nerdy guys would comment about it. Bob Lutz would occasionally post. In 2009 they invited me and I believe about 80-90 other people to Detroit and we got to see the pre-production car.

I wanted to rudely butt in and say that to me the lineup from Cadillac is simply getting better and better with each model redesign. So good work there. My question is probably one you recieve often, and that would be how do you plan to finally get rid of Cadillac’s old brand perception ( the stereotype of being a

I’m not sure if this is true, but someone told me that the actual cost to build the Volt was more than what it sold for. I own a 2011 Volt myself and here’s the other thing about these and EVs in general: For some reason the values drop like mad. We bought ours 2 years ago and its the fully loaded leather interior

Yes, this is the “truck” that most suburbanite dwellers- including those driving around in giant bro trucks- actually need. But... this isn’t a “truck” per say. Its so amazingly obvious that they simply took a Pilot and attached a short bed on the end. Its like today’s version of an El Camino.

This does nothing for me. The interior looks fantastic. But that grotesque, gaudy grill just ruins the rest of the car and its exterior.

Arent allroads the default answer we seem to see on this forum whenever the subject of the most difficult to service cars comes up?

GM needs a lot more credit than you guys are giving them when it comes to EV powertrains and hybrid technology. In fact the first half of this article was fairly dismissive of GM in this area. ( yes I know some was for the sake of being funny so I “Get it”.

I agree on some levels. But interesting that now ( at least for now ) GM has some of the best affordable plugin and upcoming EVs on the market like the Volt and Bolt.

This was way, way ahead of its time. 20 years later we have the Nissan Leaf... which goes around 70 miles, or the same as an EV-1. Also- the dash on the EV-1 wouldn’t look out of place on a Prius. And on top of that it was made in an era when GM made a whole lot of CRAP. So for this car to have come with those

It looks like a flying goldfish cheese cracker

Actually many medications in fact require I and anyone else to have a medical exam and for a good reason: the side effects if given to the wrong person or for the wrong symptom could harm them greatly or in some cases be illegally sold to others. But since you did mention Tylenol, interesting that you brought that up.

One more time: Nobody is taking away anyone’s guns. Not like that will do anything. Decades of gun lobbys saying otherwise means it will take decades of the truth getting through.

I am not going to agree with you. Sorry. Just the same as I am sure you aren’t going to agree with me. Owning a gun is a constitutional right and as a matter of fact I and my family do own a number as well.

First of all, these regulations do not in any way, shape or fashion impinge upon the rights on any law-abiding citizen to legally own a firearm. If you are in fact a law abiding citizen then guess what? You have nothing to worry about because you can get a gun. In fact you already proved my case with your own text:

I’m originally from TN. We too had a lot of folks who were equally... “Compassionate” about the team.

If I get back to riding motorcycles again I’m going to make sure to let my wife choose to drive and I ride in the back.

Perfect example: a former housemate owned 2001 Jetta. 240,000 miles . Otoh a friend of mine has a 12’ Jetta tdi and it's literally eating it's own transmission with less than 50k

I guess you could go buy one and let us know if it actually winds up being as reliable as a Honda. My feelings about VWs are that they’re akin to playing roulette: There’s a fairly likely chance the car will fall apart within 50k. Or it might be one of the lucky ones that goes for 200k. The brand lacks the consistent

Initially it looks a lot better than the Prius. But Prius owners must like the inherent ugliness of their cars so not sure they'll flock to this car instead.

Holy shit that's funny! I had to read that several times.