
Back up for just a second. I’m pleased to see that you paid attention in 3rd grade with rest of us and understand the constitution. Congratulations.

That's ok because I expected you wouldn't be able to comprehend what I wrote, and I see I was correct in my assumption.

Belive it or not there are a number of all-EV fans out there. Otherwise they wouldn’t be buying Nissan Leafs versus Nissan Veras. This car will be a huge hit for the EV crowd. The Focus crowd have nothing to do with this market segment thus a poor “comparison”.

Is it an exciting design? Not really. Is it bad looking. Not really. At least it actually looks pretty normal unlike the Leaf. Will they sell a shitload of these? Probably. If it goes 200 miles then that’s huge. That and the cost places it at a level that competes against many of the EVs made today that only go 40% as

Let me offer you some advice. If you want I or anyone to take what you have to say remotely seriouly, come back with a response that doesn’t sound absolutely immature. At the very least I hope you feel honored that I wasted my time actually reading your first response. The second was not worth the electrons that it

At the end of the day it’s about corporate governance. If a corporation Lacks the ability to oversee the development of one group of products into good, reliable products then it’s not like “better” governance could be counted on for another. Its is absolutely commom sense that one would be suspect of any new or

Oh I see then. So it's not VW but Bosch that made the crappy windshield wipers. That makes it all good then,

Almost 30 other people have agreed with my opinions so far. Guess who doesn’t? A VAG product owner so surprise surprise.

Whoopty do. I tend to put at least 250-300,000 miles on my vehicles. Come back when either of your vehicles makes it even half that long. Even if your 911 makes it that long then congratulate it: my Toyota Tacoma that cost a fraction has over 300k now without breaking a sweat.

Practically every other person I know who has owned a VAG product has had problems with their cars. And usually major ones, prematurely too. Hell- over thanksgiving a friend of ours came in his 2012 Jetta and it’s just about eaten its transmission before 60k

“Middle of the road” doesn’t excacly make for a compelling argument and secondly, why should I or anyone else trust a company whom decided to cheat and in turn lead to perhaps the biggest scandal in automotive history? No thanks. I’ll stick with other companies who make better than “ Middle of the road” products.

Is it nonsense? Exactly how is my assertion nonsense when we’re talking about an auto company whom has had decades of notoriety when it comes to poor reliability- and yes- that goes for Audi as well. Let me put it to you this way: Let’s say that “Acme Computer company” or some other company makes faulty products and

They have a generally poor track record of making reliable products and thus why my suspicions stand.

Oh yeah. You are right. Actually their entire cars are generally crap. Hence further validation of my earlier response.

The only thing that resembles “Microbus” with this is calling it a “Microbus”. It looks like a Kia Soul. Secondly- I’d be a tad suspect about an Electric car made by a company that can’t even make reliable electric power windows.

I ride around in one if those in Costa Rica. They're huge! As in the size of a small bus huge.

Huh... I wondered why Toyota stopped making scions. Maybe they sold the molds to VW...

Hanging robot is scary

But to drive you must be driven to drive.

I know this sounds stupid but I find driving my very basic, small, 20 year old Toyota Tacoma rather fun to drive. Maybe because its like driving a tractor.