
A friend of my parents had a Nissan of some sort in the 80’s Maybe it was a Maxima. It had one of those early digital displays and as a 9 year old kid I thought it was cool as hell.

obviously and clearly you didn’t get what I said. What I said was what if each time there were new vehicle safety regulations people freaked the fuck out and bought every car they could get their hands on. Do people do that? No. But what of those safety regulations? Seat belts, air bags, crumple zones, tempered safety

The bottom line here is they made a perfect example of the old cliche’ of some very smart people making some decisions that lacked common sense. It would have been 1000% better had they actually shown nothing. But instead they showed us a ridiculous, cartoonish car that even from a basic design standard was a

Recession here we come!

Could also be that at that point Saab had left the general luxury segment for such a long time that they fell out the mind of such consumers. I mean in reality it was never a luxury brand anyway. It was sold in the US as a “Luxury” car only because it was european and many Americans assumed anything european then was

It gets my attention to but not because I’m like: “: Oh wow! what a beeeyou-tee-ful car!” Its more like.... “ huh... a Saab. They quit making those. Oh well. Onward!

The Buick Rendevous also looked great... dontcha’ think?

And so I must assume you think its an “Exciting” car? Cmon... if this car is exciting then so too is a Buick Lucerene.

See? We need to have these kinds of discussions. Sure- we don’t likely see eye to eye on politics but at least this was a pretty civil discussion. Now only to get the rest of the country thinking that same way.

Its not like this was an amazing car. If anything it looks outright pedestrian- and that’s partially whyt Saab failed: Because they failed to update their lineup, which probably wasn’t exactly their fault. But still. I believe I could find something better to spend my money on instead of a sort of ho-hum kind of car

Well.... the Republicans of 2016 are basically on another planet compared to the Republicans of 2008 and before. I will agree that yes, there is a lack of real comprehensive knowledge of this issue on both sides. My folks are all in the South and we had a number of mostly vintage family heirloom firearms locked in a

No... it wasn’t. The Republicans didn’t do anything except sit on their hands and simply say no to every single proposal. Even grossly obvious pieces of legislation. Had the President decided to sit back and do nothing at all then that would have actually been the most Republican thing to do.

So thus your response signals why more regulations should be introduced to prevent exactly what you just mentioned above. Its ridiculous that the only legislation that has happened in almost 8 years came from executive action since ANY and I mean ANY mention of background checks in congress was instantly rejected.

I couldn’t tell either. Proclaiming “Trump 2016!” Is hilarious enough.

Stop wasting electrical power typing stupid bullshit.

That is the dumbest idea ever. Microsoft products have horrible UI and so having something like a spreadsheet shining on your window means you’ll have lots of really distracted drivers trying to figure out what they’re looking at.

They blew it. Nobody will take them seriously with such a cartoonish, outlandish concept. There is no way in hell that thing would ever get produced.

P-P-Please don’t be the actual concept car. If it looks anything even remotely close to this then they’ve already failed. It seriously looks totally ridiculous.


Well, we didn’t have Skiing where I lived so probably not. But man- whenever we showed up at the big summer camp the other troops thought we were a joke.