
My thoughts exactly. These were in fact piles of shit new and age doesn’t make them “refined”


I’m not neccesarily defending GM but these are 20 year old cars. Old cars often leak oil. My 96’ Tacoma also leaks oil.


Does your Dodge ram sit 10 feet up in the air with big glitzy wheels, perfect paint that’s never seen a day’s worth of work, some big ass stereo and a lot of cliche’ “badass” stickers? I own a truck too and it looks more or less like a POS. There’s a difference between a “bro” truck and a “work truck”

Correct. They enjoy my company too much and have respect for my character. That and I enjoy drinking pisswater beer- the secret elixer to my interesting-ness

It's called overcompensation. That's pretty much it

There is such a thing as going overboard. I’d say this is an example. Doing so merely pisses off the consumer. Especially when such lofty claims are placed on such a plebeian looking car.

That is their claim. Fine. I am the world’s most interesting man. Thus it is true.

This all assumes that the Subaru above is somehow indeed “the most enjoyable vehicle”.... What kind of bullshit is that anyway? That means nothing. Generic and unfettered sugarcoating

The engines in these were pieces of shit new and age doesn’t improve things. CP all day

Ha ha! Its a blimp.

What. The. Fuck.

Seems to me that I’ve seen this exact same fucking concept for 15 years. Its almost a given that at the Tokyo Motor Show that you can count on at least a few cubes on wheels. If I wanted to see that I’d go to a show for RVs.

Yes, in fact my Aunt owns an 85’ Cadillac Brogham. I can’t tell you how many times some kid has tried to buy that thing from her whenever she takes it to the grocery store. But moving on... GM was the company whom perfected the art of planned obsolence and for that matter- actual car designs. Prior to that car design

The situation with hydrogen has been discussed many times. The fact that it is an energy carrier is the number one reason why it is inferior. While other means to produce it are possible such as the use of solar and hydro, even so there is always a loss of energy when one form of energy is used to create another and

I can’t think of a single brand or model that ages gracefully. As far as your comments regarding Cadillac that I can’t think of another brand where their cars become highly coveted once they hit the 30 or so year old mark.

Here’s the thing about VWs in general. They are excellent at producing cars with extremely high levels of tactile fit and finish , well done interiors, attention to the small details and great handling. In other words the outward experience for the consumer is initially great.

The owners of the house are pretty lucky the car didn’t simply fall through the roof. Not sure my house would support a car.

Well... to be fair around here every 3rd or 4th BMW or Mercedes I see has some sort of smart-ass vanity plate. Usually something like Im2fast or Richguy4y or whatever...