
The New Volt actually looks pretty decent. The Sonic and Trax are lil’ econocars. I can’t think of other econocars that don’t look dinky like those do. The City express is a commercial delivery vehicle. See all other competing vehicles- such as the larger ford transit van. Also pretty fugly. The Enclave is ugly but

Nope. Not by a long shot. The new Corvette, the newer Cadillac lineup and a great deal of the chevy lineup all look pretty great these days. Now had you made this statement 7 years ago? Probably.

Have to agree with him though. The German brands are really great at basically making the same damned car but sticking incomprehensible naming schemes on the back.... yes... the BMW 23JYt-45... the finest in luxury...

Holy shit. I had no clue that anything Lexus made beyond the LFA was over 100k. So the LS hybrid costs 120k? I saw one of these yesterday. I wonder if the owner realized I figured it was maybe a 60k car instead.

Its hard to tell from the pic of the battery but are these air or liquid cooled? If they aren’t liquid cooled then that’s a potential problem. The Chevy Volt, BMW i3 and the Tesla Model S and X all use lithium batteries with built-in air liquid cooling systems. These batteries do not like to get hot.

I went to Detroit 5 years ago. Had a good time actually. Really nice people. But yes- they are HUGE car nuts. I mean they take car nuttiness to a whole nuther’ level. There were not one, but two car shows at 2 different hotel parking lots just on one of the days I was there.

Well..... If ANY of these run at all and can barely get you from point A or B, then I’d say $300 is not bad. Hell- even if it only lasts another 6 months that’s still not terrible.

I guess for me it just seems funny that vw goes on and on about the “ power of German engineering” as if there is some mystical principle to engineering via broad national standards but at the end of the day their cars have had a track record of poor to mediocre. I get it though. I’m a child of the 80’s and back then

Yup. I meant cars like the Camry and Toyota brands in general that sure did have some recalls but are routinely at or near the top of the long term reliability charts. Of course I couldn’t have possibly meant VW’s and their tendency to hug the bottom of those same charts as that would be silly....

Here’s a little excersise: Everyone stick your pinky over the VW badge and then look at the car. Looks just about like a Camry, huh? Why not buy a Camry then. At least you know it’ll be reliable.

I’m a staunch Democrat. But I wasn’t sure about Clinton and whether I would vote for her. That was until yesterday. She did one hell of a good job on that stand. She’s got my vote.

So you wrote a book huh? Gosh I woulda’ never known given that its advertised here about TWELVE THOUSAND TIMES A DAY.....

I’ve only been off roading a few times too and yes-’it was scary but thrilling. My cousin had a ww2 surplus jeep that had a top speed of 40 mph. But despite that would go anywhere. We went up some hills steep enough to make me feel we were going to tip backwards.

Yup... We luv us some big honkin trucks. And the economy is good. And gas is cheap. It will stay like that forever too.

I moved here during the first dot com. It promptly crashed as soon as I got here. So I spent four years working in a lumberyard. for several years landlords would almost pay you to rent here. We had our pick of entire houses for rent. We chose the nicest one for $1,100, 4 bedrooms. People don’t believe it today but

Glad you made it work. I made it work here as well. I live in a house I can afford , no roomates either. The difference is that unlike elsewhere here in the bay area its good to have patience. We rented for about 10 years and when the bubble popped here in 2009 or so we bought a year later when prices fell about 50%.

Uber was smart. Oakland is changing.... very rapidly. I can foresee Oakland becoming another major tech hub within the next decade and frankly I welcome it. It sucks that all of the jobs are either in SF or SV. I live in the East Bay and so the more tech firms whom move here the better. One day I’d like to actually

As someone who moved from the Southeast to here 16 years ago... not so sure. The “Mansions” you mentioned are more than likely going to be some sort of beige plastic sided “McMansions” built in a culdesac surrounded by large never-ending strip malls and big box stores. Is it expensive to live in the Bay Area? Yup. It

See, here’s the deal: I spent probably 5-6 years very heavily considering a relocation to a cheaper city. The thought was- oh well, get a local tech job, buy myself a nice-n-cheap house... live like a king.

That same question has been floating around since the birth of the internet in the workplace. I’ve been working in the “biz” for 15 years and though we’re more connected than ever before- we still are required to come to the office. I have worked remotely before and here’s the thing: Yes- I can do it. But