
People will probably be befuddled when I say this but IMHO the only Prius that looked halfway decent was the first gen. Why? Because it looked at least somewhat like a normal car. Sort of like a Sentra. There was something more honest about that design.

It would take a lot of effort to do so. Anytime a naval ship leaves service everything is rendered useless. I used to volunteer on a old WW2 carrier and the decmissioning process involved coming in and more or less cutting wires, removing sections of steam pipe, removing instrumentation, and so on and so on. As these

Excellent point. The Yamato was literally two times as big as any of the US battleships of the day. It was around 70,000 tons at a time when the average US carrier was 45,000 tons. Yet we bloew that thing in half.

We are still the largest navy and still by many magnitudes. For example: We have a total of 10 carriers, 2 in reserve, several being built. Everyone else? maybe 2....

Another thing: All of the people holding up those signs about “Making America’s Military Great again”.... Well, we’re already around 13 times bigger than the next biggest military, we have 10 active carriers with 2 in reserve and several new ones on the way. So exactly how much GREATER does it need to be? Do we need

This is about the dumbest idea. The whole reason Battleships were taken out of service is because they’re more or less useless in today’s modern warfare. In fact that has more or less been the case since WW2 when it was quickly determined that aircraft carriers were far more effective. In addition, these battleships

Well... we drank a lot together actually ( so maybe its good the relationship ended) so I don’t know if that was the situation. Either way we got over it, have friends over and simply hang out together. Yes, I own a 55 Mercury. Its just a big 4 door family car I bought 13 years ago when I was dirt poor.

I have no idea. I’ve gone over 100’s of possible scenarios but none of them make no sense. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary happened. Just a pleasant dinner and then some general chit chat. The only thing I will say is that dinner was pretty late and we were sitting outside around a fire. I was tired and had had

Nice... But the hoses look Like you coated them in motor oil. Very shiny

I used that as a sort of example. There are many parts of the car that to me are either overly complicated ( for example, the little sticky-outy lever that pops out for you to grab when you pop the hood) I was looking at it and counted around 13 parts. Yes- 13 teeny parts for a small convenience feature most cars

Baloney. My family has owned around 10 Toyota cars and trucks and NONE and I mean none of them have ever even had to be taken to a shop. 2 of them currently have well over 300,000 miles.

At some point surely someone will come up with a crossover that doesn’t look like a big shoe on wheels.

Yeah except they are. It's not that we wish them to be unreliable . They simply do that on their own

This aught to be interesting: the one automaker whom seems incapable of getting electric windows to work right wants to get into the business of making entirely electric cars chok full of electronics? I might need to start investing in various towing companies.

Don't think I could vote nice price any faster

Sounds somewhat familiar. We bought about 4 years ago in Norcal, also near the beach. All of the houses are basically the same damned house using the same floor plan. All are from the early 60’s. Up until a year orso ago practically everyone there were the orginal owners. every other Garage was absolutely CRAMMED with

Neighbors: I learned a valuable lesson in the last year or so. My wife and I bought a house about 4 years ago. Maybe 6 months goes by and one day we start talking with the neighbors. Actually we got along great. We’d go drink beer, go out to eat dinner, fed each others pets when either was away... etc. It was great.

Well... I was trying to be sarcastic. There are those with poor taste of every class and wealth levels. EX: the current front runner for the GOP.

Uh oh, the grammar police...

I guess rich people can be tacky too.