
Fitting that the top pic shows a backdrop of SF which is probably the place these sell the most in the U.S. When I was visiting my parents and traveled through Atlanta I saw few newer VWs in general

Guess its not modern but my 96 tacoma 4 banger is the easiest thing to work on. All the plugs are in a row and on top, all of the belts are up front and so too are the belt tensioners, all within easy reach from above. The starter motor can easily be removed and replaced- again- from standing above and simply reaching

It looks like a sea snail.

I was about to make the same comment: Tesla was first and all whom come later will probably in some way be seen as a “Me too!” competitor. The other key will be price. For example the plug in Panamera hybrid costs around 100k. If whatever all EV model Porsche comes out with winds up being in the 150-200k range then

Investors on the magnitude of those invested in Tesla are likely looking at it from a long-term investment. Think about it this way: Some of the biggest names in online retail wern’t profitable for years and now make money hand over fist. There are many things Tesla is doing which could potentially really take off.

Trust me. I was shocked to hear about it too. Its like holy shit its finally here!

Tesla is amazing not only for the products they produce but for the fact that there are VERY very few startup automakers whom make it even remotely as far as Tesla has. On top of that, now you have BMW, Mercedes and VAG group all playing catchup, trying to produce their own “tesla killers” as the article denoted. I

Yep and the same thing happened with the Model S. But when it finally arrived it was excellent. I suspect the same will be the case for the X.

I see that flew over yer noggin’. Let’s put it this way: Tesla already made the announcement that they’re going to start delivery in about 2 weeks. How far along is the above concept? That drawing. That’s it. So there you have it: the model X will be out in a few weeks and it will take Audi a few years to come out

Ok, fair enough. But I’m pretty sure if you’d driven one you wouldn’t be here making those comments: Driving one was about the most exilerating automotive experience I’ve had. Its an impressive machine. Given that Tesla also registers of the charts in terms of quality with Consumer Reports- well above even the likes

Technically its not a “Tesla Killer” until they actually have something real, tested and at your local dealership. Until then they can show all the concepts they want. Might as well be a floating car concept.

I assume you’ve never sat in a Tesla let alone driven one. I have. Sorry- the Model S is the single best car I’ve ever sat in or driven. period.

Tesla Killer? I’m going to take a wild guess that if Porsche even builds this it will cost a LOT more than a Tesla Model S. So unless they can make this and do so for aroujnd 100k then good luck... I dont think Tesla has anything to worry about...

Which is interesting since the leader of the period had Alzheimer’s

Not sure I would use me as the overarching example. I’m a cheap skate. Cheap people don’t but luxury cars as they see them as a waste of money. But if I wasnt I’d buy a Cadillac mainly because I feel they are a nicer car and more importantly- not like the zillions of sheep who generically buy BMWs and Mercedes just

Screw em’ both. If I wanted a luxury sedan I’d get a Cadillac. Just becuz. Then again I dont buy luxury cars.

There seems to be a disconnect between the article and the dicsussions here. Simply put: this heater uses less energy than a conventional heater. Less energy usage= longer range from the battery and thus there you go. Done. Simple.

Same with me, except I moved from the South. But anyway my 20 year old Tacoma has zero rust. The fact that we havent had rain more or less in years also means hardly any dirt either.

All I can say is Bravo. Its looks pretty good. Only problem? It looks closer to being an Accord than a Civic. That could possibly cannibalize sales for that model.

I was 23 or 24 and had recently moved to California. I was renting a room in a townhouse and it was my day off and thus was sitting at my computer when I heard my housemate downstairs proclaim” Oh my god!” in a sort of incredulous voice. She said something about the world trade centers being hit. I didn’t pay a whole