
What’s missing from the Prius article is the fact that in a new world of plugin hybrids and EVs the Prius is now at the lower end of the spectrum when it comes to real world fuel economy. It is now far behind the Volt for example, which even in its first generation is far better than even the new Prius. While it might

Guess it happens. I’m a skinny guy but was always been attracted to taller, larger women, ( my wife fits the bill ) which seems to be contrary to societal expectations.


yes. Its a very rare disease where all their eyes see are beautiful works of art and thus whenever they see 55 Mercurys they are smitten. But on the other hand whenever they see 4C’s they wretch in disgust. Horrible disease...

Its the front of the car I don’t like. There’s something about it that doesn’t work. I see what they were trying to do, which was add a little bit of nostalgia to the front end by bringing in legacy elements of their older cars from the 60’s-70’s ( which were in fact quite lovely ) but in this excercise it doesn’t

New survey just came out:

cause she has lots of money....


Gah... sorry guys but I still find the car to be pretty fugly looking...

Well... I’m sorta not so sure about Audi and VW products in general. Maaaybee? Those brand were scraping the bottom not too long ago. My mother’s 04’ jetta has been a big POS with incredibly ridiculous problems that started cropping up at around the 50k mark. Are they better now? Time will tell. Much the same as my

I would agree with your reasoning: it took me FOREVER to explain what the Volt was and how it works and I would consider them both somewhat techniucally savvy. Plugin hybrids are basically a totally new concept when it comes to refueling and many people don’t get it either.

Uhh... I’m not sure what you meant by “ Fiery balls of hell” when it comes to the Volt. But anyway, like I said I was a 20+ year Toyota Owner and I can assure you I was absolutely ANIMATE about never-ever-ever owning anything else. I’d say that my former opinions are primarily why Toyota still does as well as it does.

The Volt also drives like a normal car but in addition it has the added advantage of a large battery. Want to drive to work for months without gas? fine. Want to take a vacation and want to drive a hybrid? Fine. The upcoming volt’s engine alone will get over 40MPG along.

My Aunt owns a 96’ Buick Roadmaster. Its a GIANT car and if I’m not mistaken GM simply stuck a giant car body onto a truck frame. She uses it to haul a 26 foot airstream like the one in the photo above and it does it no problem.

I owned a 2002 Prius. Yes. It got decent fuel economy. It was reliable. It wasn’t a stellar driving experience. It ate tires.

I was a Toyota-Only owner for years. I still own a 96’ Tacoma with 256,000 miles and love it. But there is a big difference between 90’s Toyota, 90’s Domestic brands versus today’s domestic brands in many respects.

You know, I was a exclusively all-Toyota owner before my Volt, which I bought used. The quality and fit and finish is hands-down much better than the Prius. My parents bought a new Prius V last year and when I went home to visit and drove theirs it was shockingly cheap feeling. Everything felt sort of flimsy, plasticy

While I would agree that yes- for a very long time the Prius was in fact the best hybrid money could by the competition- including GM, Ford, and perhaps Nissan with the Leaf have all leapfrogged Toyota and by a long shot. I drive around 450 miles a week in my 2011 Volt. To date it registers around 174 MPG. The cost to

former prius owner/current volt owner here. So I might have a little bit of bias. Anyway, I owned a 2002 Prius. It was the first generation that was released in the US. Back then the car was truly revolutionary. There was hardly anything on the market like it. At that point the Prius had been in Japan for a few

Does it matter the old and new volt are so much better? Nah... People will still buy the shit outta’ the Prius, technology be damned.