
The shown interior would make me feel as if I were inside a carved-out pumpkin.

The van looks like the one used in Spaceballs...

Ah yes! I saw the Iowa last year. Beautiful ship. It made me mad that SF didn’t want that ship. To me it seemed totally stupid that they wouldn’t. If they had stuck in right downtown that would’ve generated a HUGE amount of tourism dollars. But I was happy to see it was being taken good care of in LA.

The Midway is by far the most visited naval ship museum on the West Coast. Its also in a prime, downtown location in a very touristy area. As such it gets a HUGE amount of money which is absolutely crucial for upkeep AND when I was there they had a equally HUGE number of volunteers.

Good point. As someone who volunteered on a retired WW2 carrier for a few years I can also say these are VERY difficult to maintain. What was once a ship maintained by a crew of 1000’s is instead done so via a small crew of say- 150-200 volunteers, all trying to prevent a 45,000 ton piece of steel from rusting into

It never ceases to amaze me that on a daily basis I can expect to wake up and read stories like these which come to represent just the kinds of people who are running for the presidency in our country. Via an international perspective this is extremely embarrassing.

These things look pretty stupid nonetheless so I’d suspect the same negative attention could happen anywhere.

Hilariously a former boss of mine- a guy with a Doctorate and CTO of the company- NEVER changed the oil in his Solara. He was “surprised” when the engine locked up one day.

exactly. Wranglers are little changed from Jeeps from WW2. Basically tractors.

15k isn’t exactly proving much...

I love things like this. It always amazes me the amount of genius and creativity that went into the moonshot project.

The side profile looks more or less like a BMW/Mercedes/Audi whatever.

Not sure what was meant by that remark. The entire first gear was devoted to Jaguar. If it makes you feel better exactly how many Cadillacs are sold in the UK? Yeah- like none.

4th gear:

Somehow I’m not really surprised.

I’m not a Harley Fan but the bikes have a big following globally. Not sure you meant the cruiser in particular but Harleys sell pretty well abroad. I saw a decent amount when I was in the UK 10 years ago.

Meanwhile... across town a young man just finished the purchase of his own water motorcycle. He just signed a 2 year lease on a Jet Ski.

I tend to hate nothing more than aftermarket HID and LED lights. They not only tend to look cheap but they seldom work for the particular car they’re installed on: aka- they blind everyone else...

Got news for ya’: MOST luxury car ads are full of shit.

I just got back from visiting my folks in Tennesee. I saw exactly 2 Priuses the entire trip and saw zero Teslas. So not sure the Midwest is exactly a huge market anyway.