
I’ll also say that the front end looks pretty nice at least to me. Nice symetry there.

The gist here is that while this is an “idea” its not neccesarily a better or even a good idea. If the notion is to reuse plastic it would be better if perhaps the stuff was mixed in with cement or used as the coagulate in asphalt. In order for an idea to work well it needs to be financially viable and I fail to see a

Roads used to be made of dirt. We have improved.

I fail to see how this could replace asphalt, which is cheap and can be laid down very rapidly.

I see how you’d not find it funny given the circumstances you grew up with. Honestly its not exactly funny to me because when I’m by myself and fart its like oh well. It only becomes funny when you’re not supposed to do it. Like when being around other people. Even then I supress it 99% of the time but even just the

IMHO the reason the sedan isn’t doing as well is simply because many of today’s “small” cars are now the same size as yesterday’s midsized sedans. Why pay more when something like a Chevy Cruz does the job just fine?

Its because women try to deny they do it at all. Finding it funny would be admitting guilt.

To add further to your statement : women are genetically predisposed to never find farting as being remotely funny and yet all men find it to be hilarious.

They feel nuttin: they are cars. The steel does have feelings and it worrys a lot about being crushed and turned into something a lot less sexy such as toilet flush levers, razor blades or cans for beans.

The body is like 95% of the flashlight....

The body is like 95% of the flashlight....

Sucks that it had to be a new cadillac.

The worst was helping my brother change the timing belt on his 98’ Camry. For anyone who thinks they should do this in their own back yard... this is a royal pain in the ass. I DO NOT reccomend it. Spend the money and have someone else do it.

Yup. For commuter-mobiles whatever oil works. I routinely run my cars and trucks 250,000+ miles and usually buy whatever 10W-30 oil is on sale and call it a day.

The worst for me: “ What year is it?” Like that really matters.

M R not Ducks

They’d say: Watch out cause we we’re in a big French truck!

They will discover a cartoon dog running around, that’s what...

It probably is. The board room meeting likely went like this:

If you think your insults are somehow helping your “argument” then go for it. Oh- you forgot to include some sort of GIF with someone saying “fuck off” or whatever. Either way my work here is done. Nothing further needs to be said. Good day.

Pretty much 95% of the comestic mods I see done to cars are stupid, ugly and in turn make the cars these are applied to look cheap.