
I think you can easily see I NEVER even mentioned racism in regards to this flag... did I? I simply maintained that its a flag of a non-existent former clusterfuck of a temporary country that no longer exists which for some reason remains flying on state capital grounds. Hence technically why it doesn’t belong there.

These cars has SERIOUS frame rot issues. But that said, if I bought one I’d probably do like I do with my 55’ Mercury. Just drive it and keep it running. My car has an old transplanted 302, pretty worn suspension, drum brakes, a shot interior and so on. I’ve had it like that for 14 years but to be fair I just drive it

It’ll come down- like I said. When it does all of the commentary you made to me will be instantly null and void- as if it wasn’t already... And as a native southerner, I and many others who are truly proud to be southern do care...

I didn’t say “born” into wealth. Let’s say you come up with an idea that via a combination of innumerable factors becomes a wild success: Often times its not like the ideas themselves are exactly cutting-edge, but rather could be a matter of incredible timing via everything to US dollar value, current economic

If we’re talking about someone who is worth either 100’s of millions of even billions of dollars then what difference would it make? $100k... 200k... 500k... pocket change. That’s like saying that why would any middle class citizen buy a ordinary hamburger when for 50 cents more they can have cheese.

They don’t? How do you know?

There are PLENTY of absolutely filthy-rich zillionaires out there who certainly aren’t penny-pinchers who buy up pretty much anything they want and get even richer. Why? Because there is an entire class of wealthy folks out there who are on a totally different planet than anyone else money wise, where they can have

Agree. Here in Cali these things can be had for under 5k for the reasons you mention above.

Love that gif BTW

I feel like an article like this shows up a few times a week: “ Lookie, its the 10,000 HP XXX Model XXX and its reallyyyyyy fast!”

I agree the premise is sort of dumb: hello? Aircraft aluminum?

I like cars. I just farted.

These already look old. Not sure what it is but Scion models seem to look fresh... for about 5 minutes.

To add to this hydrogen production is ineffieient. It is not an energy source so much as an energy carrier: It requires another source of energy to produce it and as of now the cheapest way to do so is via natural gas. With every transfer of one source of energy, some energy is lost- usually in the form of heat. As

Yes. It was a HI-larious joke. Its soooo funny to discuss the aspects of flashlights and do so only because surely only 50+ year old men do so.

Yes. It was a HI-larious joke. Its soooo funny to discuss the aspects of flashlights and do so only because surely

Oh well. I have 2 that are pushing 20 years old now and keep on going. That and 2 small ones on the bench. Sure- they cost more but how many crappy lights would I have bought versus a few Maglites?

Oh well. I have 2 that are pushing 20 years old now and keep on going. That and 2 small ones on the bench. Sure-

Looks like they got the message. These are new:

Looks like they got the message. These are new:

Interesting that these guys are also in So-Cal and also made in the US. $200 seems a bit stiff but they do look like night flashlights.

Interesting that these guys are also in So-Cal and also made in the US. $200 seems a bit stiff but they do look like

Its a drawing and as we all know when it comes to conceptual car drawinfs they tend to look more like cartoons: HUGE wheels that would be physically impossible to fit under the wheel wells, overly dramatized angles and lights, and so on. If you translate that with this design its going to look like your typical garden