
Sophia the plane seems pleased about the telescope and very proud its sitting on shock absorbers.

Oh here we go with all that “states rights” claim. As a Southerner I got so tired of that lame excuse people used whenever it came to defending some sort of weak, backwards issue and they knew it. Let me tell you something and then I am done here. There is only ONE flag which I will ever pledge my allegiance to and

Yes they are the same thing. Either way you tire me with your so-called argument. Get over it. Its over, and that flag is coming down.

I assume this is expensive because the manufacturing of them ( I read the link the author posted ) is very expensive due to the total lack of automation. Lack of automation doesn’t= quality. Sure- its got loads of character. For years I’ve wanted to somehow get some weird Russian car or truck to drive around but like

Trust me: I get it and I too am all about being a bit out of the ordinary. I drive a 55’ Mercury to work for example. The thing is that 16k isn’t exactly pocket change. That’s actually a lot of money and more than I’d be willing to spend on something like this. Now if it were say- 8-10k... maybe and I mean maybe.

I suppose my thought is why aren’t they selling non-sidecar bikes? I went to their site and I can’t help but think they would surely open the market more for their products if they did so. I rode for years and rode a sidecar once and it was the most unweildy thing I’ve ridden.

I was right with you until the price was mentioned. I’m all for trying out ironic, out of date Russian stuff. But not for the cost of a modern econo car.I bought a Russian watch 2 years ago. Online it looked robust, tank-like and refreshingly utilitarian. It arrived and it was made out of stamped tin-like metal and

Yes they are the same. When you write to your senator or congressman that person also happens to work in your state’s government and then serves your interests via their state and subsequently US senate/congress. The two are hand in hand. As far as being a “Knee-jerk” reaction, well sorry but the flag is without

This is a circular argument. If this thing were flown on the White House grounds in the same manner as the one in SC there would be an immediate and loud uproar. I think you and I both know that. That being the case I believe my point has been made. But either way its coming down and likely soon. The momentum is

Not sure why you’re having a difficult time understanding my response which was more or less the answer I provided which was there wasn’t enough actual usage of the Buran to make any sort of determination of its merit as a space vehicle. The end.

Here’s why I feel this “might” have been important: It was the signal that Mercedes and then of course BMW and Audi all jumped the shark. Its when they too wanted a piece of that American “ SUV action”.

The job of the state government is to serve as a representative body to the constituency. The state capital is a symbol of that representation for not just some but ALL state constitiuency. As such, the flag of a country that no longer exists technically doesn’t belong there. There are plenty of memorials for

... Because the post explicitly asked if in fact the Buran was better than the shuttle. Hence my response. Also of note was that the author didn’t denote the shuttle’s usage in space as a comparison metric.

Say what you will about all the delays and issues with this plane but the thing is an absolute technical marvel and when they get all the bugs worked out its going to be one hell of a nice piece of machinery.

Its fine. Its a touchy subject. If people want to stick this in their yard, whatever. Not at representational government buildings.

Yeah... On Captical land... Like I said. Clearly you didn’t get the point but whatever.

Note: my comments were strictly about the technicality of flying a non-state flag at a state capital.....

Its flying on the grounds of the state capital....

Let me calmly and slowly once more explain the reason why the flag should not be flying on a state capital. What does the capital do? It represents the people. What flags fly at capital buildings? The US and state flags. The confederate flag is neither of those 2. There are monuments, museums and history books aplenty

I'm not disagreeing it proved that the thing worked. It did. But would it have proven itself long term? We will never know.