
Don’t most large offroad ATVs cost a LOT more than this? If so... they should sell them here too.

Exactly. My thoughts as well.

Yes. Who owns Volvo anyway?

At least its paved. I grew up in rural Tennessee and when I was a small child the roads around where we lived were all gravel and didn’t get paved until I was 10 years old.

I came here to make some sort of joke about this but that is seriously one GOOD looking truck. Plus it does look very capable indeed.


I can’t comment about cars but perhaps my experience bears some weight to the experience thing. I used to race mowers ( riding mowers ) on a dirt track. These were heavily modified and good for 50-60MPH or so. These were not easy to drive or handle. Anyway time and again we would have someone show up with some

Well, if it runs and drives I’d take that thing on the freeway to work. I’d really need to see what its really made out of. If its some sort of crappy plastic or cardboard stuck over some stuck together frame then 39k might be way overpriced. But if its either well-done fiberglass or sheetmetal and the mediallions are

I don’t care. I think it looks pretty awesome. Now- the very quick shots of the drivetrain shows underneath the body it looks like some slapped together piece of shit. But for $39,000 US dollars that seems like a pretty good deal if it actually runs and drives.

Why aren’t more A380’s selling? I’m certainly no areonautics specialist but at this point the 747 is almost 50 year old. You’d think a much larger plane would be more commercially successful given its sheer cargo and passenger abilities.

Brake pad replacement is routine maintenace. That doesn’t indicate a car’s reliabilty. Anyway, keep right on with your “myth” narrative. Like I very clearly stated of course not ALL Hondas or Toyota models are perfect. But sorry- they are without a doubt the most reliable cars in the industry.

The Tundra laid waste to ther front disc brakes as they are undersized. That and ther Camry got a leak in the radiator. The Tacoma blew the starter motor. The Prius had the rear wheel hub go out. I replaced all of this stuff myself so it wasn’t too bad.

Yes... I just realized that I’ve been fooling myself all along since that of the following cars and trucks in my family the result has been:

Time will tell but when referring to Tesla as “tech” like company its about how investors are investing in that company versus other brick and mortar firms. Tech has traditionally been an industry where investors will pour tons and tons of money into, even if the investment doesn’t make any money. Sometimes it works

Not all Honda’s are perfect of course. But way more of them are better cars than other brand- such as Fiat for example. My Mom owned a 07’ CRV. She put close to 200k on it then traded it in. No biggie.

And the long sleeve shirt as appears to be on the person in the back.

Don’t ruin my joke.

I love the photo of the woman staring at a shop vac filter. Maybe she’s wondering why the fuck she was handed one of these for a car. It looks to me like whoever created these didn’t know a lot about cars.

Nah. I don’t believe that. They do it because they are cunning little animals and enjoy getting revenge on humans and find it funny to ruin hours of hard work with their excrement. The shitting over water thing is an old wive’s tale.

Probably very, very true. There’s nothing more American than Apple pie and a Jeep. So to have a “Jeep” model that’s more or less a doctored-up Fiat 500x is probably something the dealers would rather not disclose. But to be fair this isn’t new. Many who bought Volvos of late for example aren’t aware some of the models