
Let’s get a bit real here for just a minute. We’re talking really about the difference between a Fiat 500X with Jeep-looking bits stuck on and a Honda which is... a Honda- meaning its probably going to run for 200k without a problem. Which would you trust on a long-term basis?

You want to hear my bizarre DMV story? California DMV.

Has anyone else noticed that Bees are also attracted to clean cars- but in particular- waxed cars? I assume maybe they smell the wax from the carnuba wax I use...

that and birds will sniff that the car is clean and happily shit all over it .

Tesla is more akin to a tech company: there is a LOT of outside investment going into Tesla and that means they have a fairly robust runway in regards to product development. I have a Chevy Volt myself and love it but GM does not have the cachet’ that Tesla has. They succeeded in creating a brand new luxury brand that

Nah. Don’t agree with that. As of now nobody offers a comperable car to the Model S. The closest comes from BMW but theirs don’t have even a fraction of the range and are probitively expensive ( more so than the Model S). The biggest threat is from GM and the Bolt when it comes out and if it does so before the model 3

Whatever the situation Tesla needs to get the cars out. Now. Its clear BMW and VW AG are now fully on board with luxury EVs and if Tesla dawdles around for too long their current dominence in this area will quickly evaporate.

Elon is a smart guy and his companies do some amazing things. But IMHO stories like these are a waste in PR capital especially when there are some real issues to deal with- such as the production of the model X and model 3.

Why have liberal/conservative commentary on stuff like this anyway?

I wondered how far I’d get into comments before someone made some lame “Liberals” comment.

It is pretty cool to see no doubt. Nobody assumes passenger jets can fly like that. So that's wow factor alone

Whats the sales pivot here flying a passenger plane like a crop duster? Its not like anyone on a flight from Dallas to ATL can expect lots of barrel rolls on the way over ( even though that could be entertaining)

this is the dumbest thing I’ve seen in quite a long time

I own a 20 year old Tacoma. Its nice to have a bit more get up and go. The old Toyota trucks were really slow. No- you don’t need to go fast. But there’s never anything wrong with more power.

I love the 80’s Toyota trucks as that’s what I grew up with. But the one we owned was as SLOW as mollases. Not that it needed to be because OTOH we went off roading in it all the time and it would go anywhere.

Actually the screen grab you took really drives home how generic and bland this design looks. Sure. Its a BMW no doubt and we all know how infamous they are for their “understated” designs. But to me this looks tired. Its hardly a leap from the same overall design used in their lineup for the past 5-6 years.

Why are we even discussing this when we can’t even build a high speed rail system? This thing might get built- oh in the next century...

I’m not a British car fan but to me this is sort of sacriligious.

This seriously looks like a nightmare. Sure- it sounds nice that most of the parts are there but even so the new owner is looking at an astronomical amount of work to get this thing back together. Amazing that as it sits its at over 18k with reserve not met.

Make sure and have your friend spread the word on how awful Hawaii is. The less people that go the better for me!