
Actually I didn’t mean to respond to you. It was for the actual article and hence I pushed the wrong “respond” button...

If I’m going to take a week off to do something its not going to be spent with 70,000 people out in the desert, but that’s just me mainly because I don’t like crowds or hordes of people. I’ve lived in the Bay Area for over 20 years and over time have gone to innumerable festivals, fairs, artistic stuff, speam punk

My answer to this will be the same as all other VW posts: the cars are junk and no way I’d even lease one of these things. Lastly- the “New” beetle is looking pretty long in the tooth these days even with the occasional refreshes...

The supply of hipsters is at an all-time high which directly corrolates with the high level of sales.


I can’t tell any of these apart. Its like every week : “ Its the new Mclaren/Ferrari/Whatever P35-HHi with dual rear clutch with EFI!!!... its the BEST ever! It looks the same as the last one... but its new! yay!!!”

I’ve probably heard approximatly 30-40 hours in total of people talking about how “wonderful” this thing is. Also- I live in the Bay Area and so I am totally well-aware of the nature of BM since half of the damned bay area empties out to go to it. I’ve had a most total immersion in all things hipstery, crunchy and

Now you are basically just comparing what your values are against someone else’s. Like I said- I don’t care if people want to go to burning man or spend a weekend at the annual farting festival. Its the obnoxious non-stop chatter about BM that bugs me. But so be it.

So basically they are two of the same. I agree.

I just about cried. Damned that was hilarious!

From best I can tell many go because its basically an excuse for 30-somethings to get away from their mundane office jobs and stay drunk for days on end only to return home to their office jobs and wait for next year’s burning man. I get the allure of the desert and have camped for weeks in Death Valley. The beauty of

Oh I understand fully well. Just because I don’t exactly want to act like an adult child doesn’t mean I am “Spiteful”.

I get so damned sick of hearing about burning man. Not because of the event but because whenever people who got get together its like listening to grown adults talking excitedly about camp.... Its like: “ Last year, at burning man.... blah blah blah...”

I had a curious experience with a “No. 10” years ago actually and it presented a different perspective to me. I met a woman on a blind date ( this was back in the early 2000’s when online dating was sort of a new thing) and she was no kidding- a model. My first reaction was that no way would I last more than 5 minutes

ha ha! That was good!

Disclaimer: I’m not exactly the most religious person. But what is that even supposed to mean? Not to think for yourself and not to trust yourself? How that would possibly be of any benefit when navigating the trails is beyond me...

Out of curiosity, do you have problems with guys over your height? I ask only because my wife says the same thing- that when she was single she had problems where men- even guys as tall or taller than her- said they weren’t into her due to her height. I personally never cared. I dated women of all heights sizes. But

Its good this conversation is happening. To me there is a lack of communication about these things amongst men and women. Both men and women suffer from insecurity and that comes from either what they have seen or believe to be societal expectations. It truly goes both ways.

I feel better already!

What will happen is someone - probably from NYC or LA- will chime and say that this would be the perfect truck for them. They could haul anything in it, like groceries from whole foods and stuff and then ask why do other Americans insist on big-ass trucks when they could just get one of these? ( sorry. I’m in a bad