
They should just sell the car in the pics above. It looks like what Subaru “Used” to look like before they simply turned them into SUVs with Subbie badges.

Not necessarily... I’ll speak for myself that sometimes its actually nice when women aren’t “Perfect” because I’m myself in no way the highly idealized man. I have never really cared for the stereotypical idealized woman and I can attest that many guys are the same way.

I even recall seeing some sort of report where a few thousand men were shown images of 3 different women. One skinny woman, one “Normal” but still somewhat thinner woman and one woman who was a size 12. Something like 70% of the guys preferred woman No. 3. That tells you something. Fashion can’t change nature.

Guy here... I’m not sure why there is this thing that some women think men only like thin, skinny women. I’ve never really found skinny women at all attractive. I think it goes along the same lines as men who think women only want tall, strapping men. My wife and I disprove both of those stereotypes. I’m a 5 ft 7” man

The points you made are precisely why HD should build this. Because that is what you and everyone else will always perceive.

Precisely. Plus if HD did this FAR more people would take notice for none other than it came from HD instead of Honda or BMW- at which point nobody would be surprised.

Totally agree. My hero is Bob Lutz and Bob was behind the Chevy Volt. He mentioned that though GM would probably lose money on the Volt the amount of goodwill it would generate- particularly to non-GM owners ( including me- who owned an old prius, now a Volt) would pay off in the end. As a result they would view GM as

HD Needs to sell these even if it’s at a loss. The bike would do more to diversify their image and possible open up more demographics. As of now the demographic buying their bikes is pretty narrow. I agree- 50 miles is not nearly enough. But even if they priced these at 50k they’d probably still sell since the brand

Don’t know. It looks like pretty much every other Ferrari so you tell me.

I wrote one. Once upon a time a man owned a Ford Taurus. He fell in love with some woman at a bar. They got married and had kids. The end!

I would concur with the fine offerings shown here from 90’s GM. I was in high school at the time and even when these cars were new they were pieces of shit. The driver’s ed car we had was a 93’ Chevy Corssica. Anyone remember those things? They looked EXACTLY like pretty much every other Chevy of that time. Once

If the pics are of the car then its a pretty fugly car. Not sure that bodes well.

The Honda is also a lot cheaper so of course its not going to have as nice of an interior. OTOH the Honda will likely spend zero time in the shop. Probably not the case for the BMW.

Could’ve fooled me. Looks like every other BMW SUV-ish thing.

Or trees with 20 foot leaves...

You should use them to pull those huge boulders in your yard. That and what’s up with the giant weeds?

This car is..... Stooooooopid......

Not as ironic as the fact that the largest British brands are owned by companies headquartered in former British colonies.

The 90’s Tauruses were all crap. Well maybe not the SHO but those cars just loved to blow head gaskets...

Guess they’ll have to make a HUGE ramp. The problem is what happens when it gets to the other side...