
In GOP eyes it’s not men’s fault women get raped, they ask for it. 

Wow, fucker made up for not tweeting at all yesterday, and then some, huh? I’m just basing that on how many grey boxes I scrolled past. I don’t read that shit.

No room for openly racist people in Turning Points USA.   This organization only allows for dog whistles and coded racism.  

At least Billy Porter is doing high camp (as opposed to the rest, who are doing kitsch). Lord, I hope Bette Midler was invited - SHE can teach them all how it’s done.

He just wants us all to die.

She ripped off banks and jughead trust fund kids.  I say give her a medal.

She can’t do anything original and there is nothing original about her anymore, everything was replaced. 

Jews can be white nationalists 

I guess stealing is funny in the same way painting your face like a circus clown is beautiful or leopard onesies are fashion. 

Here is a prof they are dead inside and they should go to jail for that.

I’m not spending my life correcting others over minor things that hurt no one. It diminishes me and them. My stinky-breathe Grandma taught me that. But you go slay them all. This is a political stunt, nothing more or less. 

It’s not about who’s the better choice, it’s about who’s most electable. Two different things.

But this stinks of political muddying, not real concern about her space being invaded or the experience of women. Since her story came out, there have been scores of photos of her touching and being touched by many other politicians, including Bernie Sanders (whom she supports - and what do you know, Biden outpolls

Even if you’re right and he doesn’t change his ways, if he’s the most electable of the democratic candidates and stands a change against trump, wouldn’t you rather handsy joe than another 4 years of trump? 

Because we’re gonna get more respect and comfort from another 4 years of Trump? Also, he acknowledged it, the women spoke and were listened to, so why can’t we move the fuck on?

I completely believe her. I also completely believe she is a Sanders surrogate. Both of these things can be true at the same time.

This was not the standard five years ago, or even two years ago. It should have been, but it wasn’t. Same with the Crime Bill. Shit was different then than it is now. Who can say what behaviors or policies will be acceptable or not in another five years? Or 10? Or 20?

TOTALLY AGREE. Thank You. Like, yes, you’ve said your peace, it has been acknowledged, now let’s please bash Republicans who are actively trying to give personhood to a cluster of cells, while at the same time also taking away your healthcare! 

Is this really how we are going to lose this election again? I’m sick of people equating that somehow being pro Biden means you are pro invading someone else’s space.  Can anyone criticizing Biden truly say they have never unintentionally made someone else uncomfortable?

Kim Kardashian is thinking of naming her next kid Rob West, after her brother.