
It’s Hitler. He’s responsible for the deaths of 20 million people at least. this is not about you or your kid’s dick.

no. i saw it. i read it. i sensed it with my jedi power. and i don’t care because it’s FUCKING. HITLER. and HITLER was probably ashamed, and HITLER deserves to feel any and all shame about himself, in any way possible. because he is HITLER.

“Making fun” is something that always has to be understood within context. Are we punching down or punching up? Are we making fun of deformity, or are we making fun of a variant of the napoleon context? I don’t think there is a slippery slope here. “One day it’s ok to make fun of Hitler by speculating about his penis

No, I’m not. I’m aiming my disgust solely at Hitler. There is nothing implied by proxy - that’s not how insults work.

Pardon me, but where did I ever say anything about innocent people with birth defects? Care to point it out?

Fucking rekt sit the fuck down with your slippery slope ass, you must have so much sand built up in your vag that it’s affecting your ability to think straight.

I think that when you express outrage at many things throughout your day/week/life, it becomes a bit like the boy who cried wolf. No one takes you seriously because you are always proclaiming outrage at one thing or another. If, instead, you save your outrage for rare occasions - as a valuable commodity - its power

Hitler gassed 6 million jews. Fuck him and his tiny, misshapen penis.

Because his less than stellar manhood may have fed into his delusions of creating the perfect race? This is totally relevant to his psyche. We’re not just picking on poor Adolf.

Actually, let’s, in this case. Because we know goddamn well what male ego and a sense of entitlement can cause. Obviously #notallmen, but considering how many murders, assaults and family annihilations are the result of some insecure loser getting his feefees hurt, it doesn’t seem entirely unbelievable that this may

My son had hypospadius and had to have surgery for it at six months old.

Because it may tie into his motivations. This may be the ultimate male bruised ego revenge.

................. you’re not good at like, reading, or the internet, or whatever.

You don’t need to defend Hitler, this isn’t the hill to die on.

I respect that she is being vocal, but damn, tweets in the middle of the night do not make her better then everyone else.

My impression was that Kesha’s mom made the info public first and then the spokesperson followed up. Other blogs mentioned that Taylor was the maid of honor at a childhood/high school friend’s wedding this weekend. If that were me, I'd tell my staff to address it and focus on my loved ones.

Kesha’s mom made the announcement via twitter

Seriously Demi is not being cool.

Probably because of all the veiled and not so veiled attacks on her for not making a public statement.

Demi’s kinda being an a-hole, tbh.