
They’re doing it because it sells. Even the people who are competent mostly don’t want to deal with it. They don’t want to shift. They don’t want to check their tire pressure. They don’t want to change the oil.... Hell, they don’t even want to steer, and they certainly don’t want to watch the road.

It’s all the “truck” most people need, but for virtually no penalty why not get the more capable one? The Ridgline continues to be the truck for Honda fanboys who can’t buy anything else, with no other compelling reason to buy it. At least this version looks better.

Buy a new FJ Cruiser, find out night before I picked it up they leave the driver’s window rolled down in a rain storm over night (had to drive it down from a different dealer a couple hundred miles away). So get my new FJ with 260 something miles on it......

Italian NASCAR