

How much you want to bet Bloom does all kind of LOTR kink shit in bed? Saying stuff like “You have my bow!” before plugging in, telling Katy she was as hot as the Balrog of Morgoth, and calling her pussy wetter than the river Anduin. Because if there is anyone who could drop such nerdy shit in bed and get away with it

Ok, but like, what is Gideon Yago up to these days because he was totally my MTV babe back in the day.

E.L. James is furiously taking notes.

I saw those photos and was genuinely like...you get hand picked by designers to go to one of the fucking fanciest parties in the country and you go and snap selfies and smoke in the bathroom like you are at a fucking rave. What is that?

Let’s be real, Anna only wore that boring-ass frock because it lets her wear her terrible Manolo mules, which her baby toes are always trying to escape.

Good on her. I don’t know why people have such a hard time admitting to their internalized -isms. I often admit to being sexist, racist and homophobic and people look at me like I’m insane, but the truth of the matter is that most of us are a little bit, and the best way to improve is to be honest with yourself. Being

Team: no one. Every single person on this show is awful in their own special way. And I love them for it.


It is because the “industry” does not give a single fuck about ethics, morals, positive role-models, equal opportunity, female empowerment, or basic human decency.

I mean, he only beat black women. That’s at least two steps below an anti-semetic/racist Mel Gibson rant.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 123456 more times shame on me.

I worked on Dance Moms for years and Abby Lee Miller has been at odds with the field and post production since season 1. She has 0 idea how television works and about 1000 suggestions that would sink the show. She and the field guy HATE each other but even a saint would not be able to deal with her. She also pulls

But perhaps due to adamantium poisoning, with his healing factor diminished, he could, for the first time in his life, experience life as a circumcised man.

i still dream of that fridge.

I had to stop watching after Kim said she was worried the entire time that Kourtney would find her body (I think they were sharing a room) and never be able to recover from it. This entire situation was pretty much my number one nightmare realized. It stressed me out so much just listening to her talk about it.

Now playing

YEAHHHHH Erika FREAKING Jayne!! I have never watched DWTS but I am getting the DVR ready.

She’s testing the waters for a spin-off of VPR, I’m sure. “Watch Sandoval as he navigates running his own bar..” You heard it here first.

Author’s Note: If you’re wondering whether or not Jezebel will be updating you with every piece of news about I, Tonya between now and its 2018 release, please rest assured that the answer is yes.