Is #based the new, hip word distributed in the talking points? Whatever happened to #onpoint? Dork.
Is #based the new, hip word distributed in the talking points? Whatever happened to #onpoint? Dork.
Wow this 95 year old hick sure is hip!
You had me until your Trumpka line at the end.
Or go after the billions of dollars of fraud entrenched in the welfare system. Cool line about single mothers though. So believable.
Bernie Sanders is a backwater hick idealist from the sticks of VT that has almost no idea about how the world works. A good man? Maybe. But a complete fool.
Any idea if it starts with Obama’s birth in Kenya?
The actor playing Obama seems to be about 50% more black than real Obama.
I was on the toilet the other day but here’s the funny part: I noticed a mosquito in the lavatory! What are you doing here you little bastard? Grabbed some unused toilet paper and went after her. Gotcha! Tossed it right in the toilet but wouldn’t you know it she wasn’t dead! Flew right into my bum. Furious wiping.
Cool. I’m a transplant.
The parts people live in, tourist.
You’re confused. All I said was that Boston is filled with hipsters and immigrants. Doesn’t conform to the stereotype. What else is on your mind though?
Except Boston is nothing like that.
Yeah, not a lot of them either.
Bpston os filled with hipsters and immigrants, not bros.
Are you a man by any chance?
Oh ok.
She’s like a modern day Barry Bonds.
So does her steroid use.
Serena is on steroids, so maybe not.
Your friend has an irrational fear. Personal problem.