Helen Back

His will be a sad passing; even if he reaches 100 and drifts away in his sleep during the sweetest thc induced nap of his lifetime... on a rainy summer morning in the arms of a lover... the rigor mortis perserving a smile on his lips. It’ll still feel like a drag for the rest of us, somehow.

I’m going to be honest, I think this is a very tough movie to talk about with a feminist perspective, because it’s hard to talk about the wrinkles and nuances in the characters without sounding like you are in some sense either dismissing the text itself, or minimizing the issues on display.

The ones who are “no kids” are definitively so until they are in their fifties and meet a much younger woman. No, jinni, isn’t bitter. :)

Love-wise, Nicole Kidman has had more than the usual nine lives.

Here’s a repeat of my post from somewhere else in this sphere:

It’s like they don’t want to make a good movie.

Nah, he actually is a good director. There’s plenty to give him shit for, no need to make up falsities.

I loved it, that, Arrival, Hidden Figures and Manchester were my favorites of the nominated movies this year. Andrew Garfields accent annoyed me at times but I thought it was beautifully directed and well acted and was a very unique and interesting variation on a typical war movie.

I actually saw Hacksaw Ridge this weekend and thought it was excellent, one of my favorites of the year actually and I thought the direction was great.

Amazing, Absolutely amazing

Mel Gibson is still a good director, though. He gets the job done, puts butts in seats and has shown he is competent with his latest work.

I think he’s a very good director. Apocalypto was crazy good.

Wait Mel Gibson took care of Robert Downey jr.?? I never knew that; it sounds like an interesting and sweet back story.

There are a bunch of shitpig hollywood types that trip over their own dicks to go to Europe to work with Roman Polanski, who drugged and sodomized a 13 year old girl. These are the same people who hypocritically cheer Meryl Streep when she raps on Trump.

This, thank you. I truly hate the “natural/unnatural” argument because it’s so arbitrary. Is medicine natural? Is building hundred-story skyscrapers natural? Is wearing clothing natural? What about Facebook, or the internet at all? It’s such a dumb way to judge anything.

Stephen Miller. Another Ghetto Police Officer.

I would think that he is ripe for being embroiled in some sex scandal. Where is Frank Underwood when we need him?

Looking at this picture, Justin won’t be allowed into USA anymore