Helen Back

I think so many of us feel alone and that leads to feelings of worthlessness. I have no friends really. They all left as I got sicker. I hear constantly how as a chronically ill person I am worth less. I hope all of you here can find a way to feel better.

I spend about 90% of my existence dwelling on my mistakes, then dwelling on how stupid it is to dwell on my mistakes, then beating myself up over the fact that dwelling on your mistakes/dwelling on dwelling on your mistakes is still obsessing over yourself and that makes me a fucking selfish narcissist so of course

Even your family, friends and partner (if you have one) are so caught up in their own shit that they are generally not evaluating your moves as closely as you think they are. And if they are judging you particularly harshly, or harping on your every perceived failure, they must be pretty bored to be able to have the


With my advanced age, I have learned one big comforting thing: no one really gives a shit. Your family may give you some crap, your partner may get down on you, but in a world of 7.4 billion people, no one really cares. Do what makes you happy. Fuck up. The world loves fuck up stories because then they can feel

The only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning is my anger it fuels everything I do.

I live where there is no thanksgiving so I’ve made big plans for this weekend: cook a veggie roast with potatoes and Brussels sprouts, bake a pumpkin pie and consume while watching Gilmore girls (which I re-joined Netflix for!) and try to find a way to download the Macy’s parade, because what’s a thanksgiving without

23 years later and we’re still remembering some rando dick who got his dick cut off. Incredible.

With all my intuitive, witchy powers I tell you I have long believed Kanye to be bipolar. Love him, feel for him, he’s a blowhard but brilliant. Let’s try a little compassion- when it comes to mental illness, celebs are really just like us- except sometimes the fishbowl exacerbates the delusions and makes it harder

I don’t know... he’s losing me... this Tay stuff is out of control!!!! This needs to stop right now!!!

He’s a law-abiding, taxpaying citizen. If Americans want to make him rich for regurgitating their own music back to them it’s no skin off our noses and he can come home as often as he wants to.

Solidarity on feeling fear about bringing kids into this world. 3 months ago we were joking about bringing our own hypothetical Blasian Simone Biles into the world, and now I’m thinking about calling my doctor to switch from Skyla to Mirena just to be sure I outlast this presidency.

Member OSTARA? Member The German Occult Society that Hitler joined? Member?! Ooooooooooo I member!!!!

I live in a predominantly white, Jewish community. And I am terrified every damn day that I’m going to go to temple one day and be confronted with a group of these psychopaths because they seem to be popping up everywhere. I’m afraid to wear my Star around my neck. I’m afraid to exist in the world.

I’ve been a teacher since 1998. In this year alone, I’ve had kids paint swastikas in the front of our school. I had a blonde kid I did not know come up to me and do a Nazi salute and say, “Heil, Frau Bensey”. Note: I’m one of the only black teachers in the high school. This term, I’ve had two white kids raise their

These people, man. I don’t even know anymore. I had no idea THIS MANY crazies were in the US. I knew it was a lot but these neo nazi groups are everywhere! Psychic connection with TRUMP? I legit feel like I’m in a different universe. Or I’m permanently drugged/poisoned. These loopy motherfuckers are making ME go

Thank you so much. This comment and genuine sympathy/caring is exactly why I just posted a long comment above about how Jezebel has been so meaningful and helpful to my life.

Sad to hear but it is a Soviet problem. As long as Putin is in charge with his (republican conservatives morals), and a thick layer of mafia it is unlikely things will change.

I was trying to make that point, but did not type it fully. What I meant is that she would have lived to the next day, but she would have needed help not to keep wanting to kill herself, and start believing that things could get better. Help she didn’t get at school, sadly. Not at home either. She would need help to

The sad thing is, I would be surprised if any of those kids felt anything from her suicide. I would be surprised of the parents of those kids gave one shit about this. I would be surprised if the school administrators cared at all. Call me a pessimist, a negative person, a downer, whatever you want, but I think all