
He’s “incredibly shitty” for having a fetish that doesn’t immediately gel with his partner? To what percentage of the world do you think this situation applies? Are ALL of those people also “incredibly shitty?”

What a terrible analogy that completely misses the context of both situations and adds nothing to the discussion.

I like when people say things like “as an adult with a job.” What does that mean exactly? What are you implying?

I have a full-time and a part-time job. Sometimes the part-time job grows into full-time work for a week or two at a time. I do a myriad of other things, as well. Yet I still find time to play games,

I’ve encountered it a couple times and it’s a semi-common issue with gamers at large. It can happen with a firmware issue or if you get hit by a power outage or some other event outside of your control.

There’s no way you’ve avoided the frame rate drops. They’re all over the place. It’s more likely you simply didn’t notice. 

Don’t feel so bad, we can’t all be tall.

excuse you those names are /traditional/ and /foreign/ and /gaelic/ and how dare you

Do you need help pulling out that stick?

Why you heff to be mad?

Calm down for Christ’s Sake You Fucking Clown. No need to be so salty.

Well, aren’t you just filled with the holiday spirit there.

Aww look a liberal. Easy to spot because they get triggered over nonsense.

Maybe these jokes are made specifically to trigger people like yourself


LOL, ok.

This is why I don’t have a family.

Except the reasons you cited pertain to you having preferences. It’s fine to not like a game’s art style—something you cited for Undertale—but that is a preference, not a standard to be upheld or by which you should judge other products. Standards refer to the quality of the product, and since you haven’t played this

Ah ha ha ha ha *deep breath hahahahahahaha...