
Wtf are you on about?..

Hellacious news.

The Master Chief Collection and Infinite on PC makes me happy.


I feel like you may have just spewed out some utter bs simply as an excuse to engage in what is becoming the more and more fashionable pasttime of blanket judging the intelligence and perceptions of American citizens.

Well, here I am six months down the line and it still isn’t a very funny one.

I need this to be something really special, along with IX, or I’m sad to say that my time with the franchise revival will be coming to a close and I will simply revel in the nostalgia of my beloved PT(yes, that’s correct), OT and EU media.

I’ve been tempted to pick up Vampyr based on the simple principle that I very much enjoyed my time with Life is Strange and I’d like to support the dev further. Though I’ve heard the controls feel unintuitive at best and the combat seems to suffer from that, while being a bit uninspired at the same time, yet occurs

Get over yourself.

What Snowcrash said.

A disclaimer at the header of the article explains that any purchase made as a result of the post may entitle them to payments from the merchant.

A disclaimer at the header of the article explains that any purchase made as a result of the post may entitle them

I mostly love the first game but found it to run like absolute garbage, even on a capable rig. An unfortunate side effect of using the Unity engine, I’ve heard.

AMD’s future uncertain? No beefy APU’s in a console? Both of these things are currently untrue.

From the onset it is clear they have little idea what they are talking about.

I have both a One S and a One X in my house(I would assume MS put the same 4K drive in both systems, but who knows). The One S was purchased with the express purpose of watching 4K discs. I utlimately ended up buying a standalone 4K player.

Ah, another idealist pining for some more Master Chief on PC, I see. Shall we commiserate?

Of course, how could I be so forgetful?

Internal is my favorite kind.

Simply shocking casting decision. Never saw it comin’ from this guy.

I have come simply to inquire as to what other types of screaming exist, aside from the aforementioned “open-mouthed” variety?

This conference, as you well know, is purely to announce the cancellation of entire said lineup of upcoming titles.