
And I'd do it again!

I'm going to have to check that out when I'm not on my phone. It sounds like it should be good for an eyeroll or two.

I've always assumed "Eddie" is what Roger and Jessica named their firstborn.

I'm having pretty much the same reaction to what I've heard from this album that I've had with every Gorillaz record since at least the second one….At first play I'm not quite sure if I'll like it as much as previous albums, but within a few more plays I'm jamming out to every single track and putting the whole thing

But does Barry lik the bred?

Maybe the writers are Family Guy fans? It would make sense—mediocrity attracting mediocrity, and all.

I gotta say, all this framework stuff is scratching my itch for a TV series of Tad Williams' brilliant Otherland tetralogy, while somehow at the same time making me want that Otherland series even more….

I'm really enjoying this show and pray for another season. Even though most of what I'm taking away from the finale is that someone really likes them some Vocaloids. (I ain't judgin', I do too.)

"Got me on my knees"

I agree! That's such a perfect description you wrote for it, too!

Oh, man, I kinda envy you for that! All I did was record it off TCM when they did their Ghibli-thon about a decade ago. Even though I have both DVD and Blu-Ray now, I still hold on to my little VHS, long after the last VCR I owned crapped out. :)

I know I'm supposed to say something high-arty and probably black-and-white, maybe silent, but fuck you, I'm a pleb. ;)

And I notice that when I brought science and facts into it, you immediately went on the aggro, switched to personal insults as your other reply clearly shows, and changed the subject to something I didn't address because it wasn't relevant to my point and based more on emotion—your own emotion, not even a general

"Supposed" to be hetero? Curious of your proof. Because homosexual behavior is commonly observed in many animal species, not just humans. I'll trust centuries of scientific research and observation before any claims that we're "supposed" to be one specific thing. The entire purpose of genes is to allow for all manner

That's a pretty interesting story to me because I've met a lot of Benjamins, and not a single one is of Jewish descent!

Straight people have had their day for centuries. Where's your complaint that hetero content is overdone? Think carefully about why you have this view and learn from it, or else you can just go be a bigot somewhere else. (Not assuming you're a bigot…just, if you ARE, you're not gonna last long around here, so might as

Yeah, but Mario was too busy with Mario Party Switch for the casting call, so the CW had to take whoever they could get. Like that no-name nobody Luke Perry.

Aww, I love you too! Trust me, you don't want my reviews here; they'd start out as a wannabe-philosophical criticism of the use of the color green in television and then quickly turn into a series of butt jokes. Even when butts are in no way involved.

You are doing the work of the gods.