Dustin Faber

I liked Hot Shots: Part Deux and Naked Gun 2 1/2 better than their original films.

No surprise that the white supremacists love chains.

It is creepy AF but she was a child. The adults who let her do that role acted horribly.

No, the OP said “In fairness to Seagal,” as if her being in that movie gave him permission to act the way he did around her. That’s bullshit.

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

I’d say basketball coaches have the least impact.

after like ten minutes of patient, constant rotating

I also had to spend about $50 on an iPac to connect to my laptop, which died 2 years into the project sending me to spend another $50 on a Pi kit. So yeah expensive AF. And besides, those little cabinets are ridiculously cute.

He also conveniently leaves out the time you’ll spend doing things like wiring (it took two Saturday’s to wire up a 4-player cocktail cabinet) and making the software run just right. And yeah, the cabinet alone cost me $300.

Or I could just spend $160 on a cool thing and save myself $90 and a few weeks of work.

Patriots radio commentary team was also really peeved by this.

Cool, so all deaf people who use captions can’t pay attention to films bc the captions are distracting. Got it, thanks.

Except he said “Don’t spit.”

Waiting for the “You can just build this thing with a Raspberry Pi!” posts.

You could find other articles to read instead of spending time commenting on ones you don’t care about.

Except that they aren’t illegal as you stated.

I’m just going to save this article for next year’s Why Your Team Sucks series.

So NFL ratings are declining because nobody stands for the anthem, but everyone stands for it in NASCAR and their ratings decline as well. I’m confused.

When those so-called Christians put extreme political affiliations above their faith.

Now would be the perfect time to rebrand. They wore that logo when they blew a 3-1 lead in the World Series.