Doug West for the Minnesota Timberwolves, from 1989 to 1998. He wasn’t a terrible player, just average, but I revere him to this day because one time he scored 96 points while I was playing NBA Showdown 94 on the Sega Genesis. I cannot recreate the feat as a bored adult.
Got dang, the Splat logo is very ominous.
Amazing article. Her name needs to be corrected in the Providence caption though.
Nah. The shittiest thing you can imagine has probably happened to multiple people.
Off the top of my head, Larry Bird only got 13 seasons. LeBron just finished his 14th and has a few more left.
Evergreen headline
I’d rather get my nuts stomped on than have them cut off.
Why don’t pitchers wear helmets?
Who the hell are you to criticize his perfectly legitimate life choices?
Don’t apologize. Your child is adorable and fuck that guy for criticizing your reproductive choices.
I was really into this game for 2-3 months after it was released, but stopped playing because connection issues never seemed to improve. Unbelievable that they’ve let technical issues ruin what could have been an amazing game.
You say that as if I’m a man who hasn’t done his research before making a bold claim.
I hope and pray that those horrible neighbors don’t vandalize his home or commit arson. They sound batshit insane enough to do something like that.
I’d love that my neighbor is finding something enjoyable to do with his time that isn’t hurting anyone. You’re in a ridiculous minority.
I guess college football isn’t a sport then, as the playoffs are determined by a committee judging teams on more than just wins and losses.
Sgt. Pepper’s contains the song “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” and 5 seconds of that song is better than the entire Beach Boys catalog.
It sucks, but I’d rather have that than nothing at all. What drives me nuts is when the captions don’t contain swears that aren’t censored by dialogue. I thought it was just a thing with shows only wanting to have one subtitle track to save money, but GLOW was guilty of this on Netflix, and that’s not being syndicated…